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    Title: 聾人自我的深化探索:現象學心理學觀點
    An exploration into the perceptive experiences of the “Deaf-Self” : From phenomenological psychology perspectives
    Authors: 吳雅琴
    Wu, Ya Chin
    Contributors: 林耀盛
    Lin, Yaw Sheng
    Wu, Ya Chin
    Keywords: 寓居於世
    Phenomenological psychology
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-02-03 12:12:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 目的:聾人以手語、口語、口手語三種方式作為溝通管道並以視覺體察世界,本研究回顧特教、心理、輔具三方面近幾年研究上對聾人的描述,試圖從中整理出各專業領域對聾人的觀點,以及尚未回應到的面向。三個領域由不同方向描述聾人樣貌,卻也帶出一般社會對健康的預設,且過去所使用的研究方法大部分透過問卷調查或與聽人比較之下得來的結果。聾人自我內涵受限於語言的隔閡,自我的默存現象在問卷架構的框架中並未獲得開展,故本研究嘗試以現象學心理學質性訪談的方式,嘗試揭露其寓居於世的自我樣貌。本研究目的有二:一是藉由研究者與聾人進行手語質性晤談,探索聾人自我認同形成過程期間會經歷過什麼樣的生命經驗,而聾人又是如何看待這些經驗並從中反思此我在世的意義;二是聾人對現今自我的現象描述,探索其目前寓居於世的樣貌,並跳脫既有特教與輔具看待聾人的觀點,重新論述沉默對聾人存有的意涵。

    結語:本研究避開過往將聾人視為缺損者的語境所塑造的小寫文化(deaf culture)的論述,語意學轉向大寫文化(Deaf Culture)重構理解聾人的置身所在,指出將聽力喪失(hearing loss)轉化為能力獲得(ability gaining),進而提出臨床實務的反思。
    Purpose: Deaf people have different ways to contact with people, that is, sign language, learn speaking, or use both ways to communicate. In order to criticize the current views about the deaf from the ableism in past decades, critical reviews of the related domains are articulated, including “deaf children’s special education,” “psychological health” and “hearing aid/ cochlear implant.” The accomplished goal among the three domains is all to try to improve the deficiency from the adaptive view and expect deaf people to adjust their life in the hearing-like way. A few of studies under the ableism used the questionnaires to collect data to understand the deaf. However, it is the outsider view and the state of mind of the deaf is restricted by the questionnaire design.
    Methods: The phenomenological psychology approach is adopted to explore the experiences of the “Deaf-Self” to avoid the ableism trap; it is the Epoch attitude to understand who they are and their modes of existences. Six deaf participants were interviewed through sign language. The data analysis procedures of carrying out phenomenological psychology were based on six steps: data collection, empathic immersion, meaning units, constituent themes, situated structure, and general structure.
    Results and discussion: First, deaf people feel alien to life word in the ontological insecurity meaning when they use the hearing-aid devices. To preserve their authentic life world, deaf people community is built in silence beyond the hearing world that is designed under the normative adaptive views. The Deaf did not think they are disabling so it is not necessary to adjust to live into the “normal” world. Second, the way they express the sign language through focusing their eyes is meant “presence” and “engaging,” they always gaze at everything carefully and attentively. Sign language is the root of the deaf-identity. When deaf people use sign language, it means they can give their voices to the world from the authentic self. Sign language is not only a skill which makes deaf people to communicate with each other smoothly, but also is the affection and vitality in itself; it is beyond the symbolic meaning to reach the close relationships to each other. Third, ‘hearing-loss’ is not equivalent to ‘disability’, it means different modes of existences.
    Conclusion: We turn the deficiency conceptualization to the “ability gaining” perspective to construct the ‘Deaf Culture’ to propose the Deaf and hearing people are different from their cultures and habitus; it is not the severity of hearing impairments to distinguish them. They present the ability diversity and unique way of being-in-the-world. The clinical practice is discussed from the outcome implications.
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