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    Title: 探討實習課對職前華語文教師教學信念與教學行為之影響
    A Case Study of How Teaching Practicum Influences Interns’ Beliefs and Practices
    Authors: 黃子耘
    Huang, Tzu Yun
    Contributors: 洪煌堯
    Hong, Huang Yao
    Huang, Tzu Yun
    Keywords: 職前華語文教師
    Chinese language pre-service teachers
    teaching practicum
    teaching belief
    teaching practice
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2016-02-03 11:21:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討實習課對職前華語文教師教學信念與教學行為之影響,以某國立大學華語文教學碩士學程二年級的七位台籍學生為研究對象。首先,教學信念之探討係透過質性訪談、試教後的反思札記、及修改前後之教案等相關資料進行分析;其次,教學行為的探討則以剖析職前華語文教師試教錄影檔案中的行為表現為主;最後,再進行交叉比對,以探究教學信念與教學行為之間的關係。主要研究問題為:第一,實習課如何影響職前華語文教師教學信念(共分為教學方式、師生角色、課程與教材、教學任務四個面向進行探討)?第二,藉著實習課錄影檔案,探究職前華語文教師的具體教學表現行為為何?第三,教學信念及教學行為之間的關係為何?分析方式則是藉由Nvivo 統計分析軟體編碼以質化方式分析教學信念,其次以量化方式分析教學行為,然後再以紮根理論方式探討教學信念與教學行為間的關係。

    研究結果顯示:(一)本個案中的教學實習課對職前華語文教師所形塑之教學信念較趨向效能取向; (二)本個案中的教學實習課對職前華語文教師教學行為之影響主要為提高其以學生中心方式教學的比例; (三)本個案中的職前華語文教師之教學信念與教學行為間的關係並非完全一致,而是呈現出些微相異處;(四)整體而言,教學實習課有助於職前華語文教師增進教學專業能力,亦其助其瞭解學習者特性知識與教育現場所需的脈絡知識。最後,根據研究結果,本研究提出相關建議供未來華語文師資教育之參考。
    This case study aims to understand how teaching practicum might impact pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching practices. Participants were seven Taiwanese Chinese language pre-service teachers who were in their 2nd year of graduate study and they were from the Department of Teaching Chinese as Second Language at a national university in Taiwan. To implement, firstly, this study analyzed pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs using qualitative interviews, reflective teaching journals, and their teaching plans and other relevant information. These data were coded by using Nvivo statistical software. Secondly, this study analyzed pre-service teachers’ teaching practice using their videotaped records. Lastly, this study made use of all above collected data in a more integrated manner to analyze the relationship between pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs and their teaching practices based on grounded theory.

    The main findings of this study include the following: (1) After teaching practicum, the teaching beliefs of the participating pre-service teachers became more efficiency-oriented; (2) After teaching practicum, the teaching practices of the participating pre-service teachers became more likely to perform more student-centered teaching; (3) It was found that the relationship between pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching practices was not fully consistent; (4) Overall, it was found that teaching practicum employed in this course not only enhanced pre-service teachers’ professional teaching ability but also equipped them with more knowledge of learners, as well as learners’ characteristics, and more knowledge of educational contexts.

    Based on the findings, three suggestions for cultivating more effective Chinese language pre-service teachers were made.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1011610121
    Data Type: thesis
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