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Title: | 個體經驗轉化為創作之距離把握 ——《潛水鐘的孩子》創作論述 The Transformation of Individual Experience into Creative Work:an analysis of The Child Inside the Diving Bell |
Authors: | 劉燁 |
Contributors: | 林玲遠 劉燁 |
Keywords: | 個體經驗 自我揭露 距離 心理距離 誇張 象徵 Individual experience self-disclosure distance psychical distance, exaggeration symbolization |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-02-03 11:15:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在以自身經驗為素材進行創作時,創作者往往遭遇距離把握的困擾,當作品與現實經驗太貼合,距離太近,面臨自我揭露的風險時,創作者或選擇將距離拉得太遠,徹底迴避自己,或無法忍受距離太近的痛苦,遭遇創作瓶頸。 因此,研究者對以往創作者的作品及實踐進行文獻與脈絡探討,並結合自身文字創作、圖像創作,探索把握距離之具體方法。 本研究發現,因距離太近而產生創作障礙時,可以通過拉開時空距離、梳理個人經驗、對照他人經驗來拉開創作上的心理距離,也可以通過誇張、象徵以及其他藝術手法,對個體經驗進行變形轉化,拉開作品與現實的距離。 在研究同時,研究者也將這些實踐經驗運用到自身創作中,最終形成超現實風格繪本《潛水鐘的孩子》及由此改編的同名圖像短片。 Creators often find it hard to control the distance when using their own experiences as the source for creative work. When encountering self-disclosure during creation, creators tend to make too much of a distance to avoid facing their true selves or they often suffer from writer’s block. Through literature study, the examination of existing works, and the reflection of my own reflective process, I intend to explore the specific method of distance control. When facing writer`s blocks caused by the intimacy or awkwardness of personal experience, the strategies one could use include changing time and space, recounting the events on diary or to a friend, comparing with others` experience and thinking from a collective perspective. One could also adjust distance between creation and reality by exaggeration, symbolization and other artistic manoeuvres. In this project, I applied and examined the above finding in my own creative process. Except from several versions of creative writings based on the same real life experience, a surreal illustrated book, The Child in the Diving Bell, and its moving picture version were also produced. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣播電視學系 102453021 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1024530211 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [廣播電視學系] 學位論文
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