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    Title: 美國亞太經合會(APEC)政策之研究(1989-2014)
    A Study on the Policy of the U.S. towards the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (1989-2014)
    Authors: 盧子漸
    Lu, Tzu Chien
    Contributors: 黃奎博
    Huang, Kwei Bo
    Lu, Tzu Chien
    Keywords: 美國外交政策
    The Foreign Policy of the United States
    Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
    Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
    Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
    Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP)
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2016-01-04 16:55:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本篇論文透過歷史脈絡、國際層次以及國際新自由制度主義的研究美國從1989年至2014年在APEC的政策。本論文第三章以歷史的角度,以美國總統任期依序自老布希、柯林頓、小布希至歐巴馬,分別論述各任總統遭遇到的國內外的挑戰,以及同時在APEC的制度、倡議以及立場。第四章以雙邊、次區域及國際制度等三種國際視角,首先探索美國與其他在亞太的主要行為國家,日本、澳洲以及中國大陸的互動對美國政策的影響,發現中國大陸經濟實力的崛起,改變了美國與這三個國家間的互動關係;其次以美國與亞太地區其他貿易集團,如NAFTA、ASEAN以及近年形成中的TPP和RCEP,檢視其對美國在APEC政策的影響,發現NAFTA的成立使得各次區域的自由貿易區相繼成立,使得APEC開始重視區域經濟問題;最後用國際制度或建制的角度比較是否和美國的利益一致,發現APEC在制度上的因素導致美國無法強力的領導組織,導致各國開始私下簽訂FTA/RTA以因應區域整合的潮流。
    Since 1989 APEC was established, the function, role and the influence of APEC has been widely disputed. The United States, as the hegemony in economic, military and political aspects, has been cooperating or dominating with the Asia-Pacific countries in various ways for the past a quarter-century. The establishment of APEC was the first organization in cooperating Asia-Pacific affairs and it operates until now for 25 years.
    This master thesis analyzes the United States’ foreign policy towards APEC from 1989 to 2014 by historical, international and institutional levels. In historical level, it analyzes by the following, Bush Administration, Clinton Administration, G.W. Bush Administration, and Obama Administration that seeing the challenges they faced and their policy towards APEC. In international level, it considers the U.S.’ interactions with the other main actors in Asia-Pacific, for instance, Japan, Australia, Mainland China, and the regional trading blocs, NAFTA, ASEAN, RCEP, and TPP countries. At the end, in institutional level, it compares the APEC institution and regime with the U.S.’ proposal for the past 25 years that how the U.S. changed or failed to APEC regime.
    As for the research result, it discovers the U.S.’ strategy to boost trade opportunities and economic growth on APEC and to seek Pacific countries’ support to establishing world trade regime. During the 1990 to 2000, the U.S. is the only hegemony in Asia-Pacific region and actively promoting new trade regulations. However, due to the APEC’s unique “Consensus” institution, the U.S. failed to achieve several goals in APEC. After 2000, the Mainland China’s economic capability grows rapidly, catching many countries’ attention. In order not to fall behind, many countries such as Southeast Asian countries formed a collision and signed many FTAs with Asia-Pacific countries that the U.S. was forced to focus on TPP and FTAAP issues. Perhaps, APEC is not the organization that the U.S. can dominate or lead, but the APEC institution has its own value that the U.S. still care.
    Reference: 壹、中文文獻

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