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Title: | 婚暴社工運用優勢觀點的復元經驗及促進復元之因素 A Study on Process and Facilitating Factors of Recovery among Social workers in the Field of Partner Abuse |
Authors: | 賴俐均 Lai, Li Chun |
Contributors: | 宋麗玉 Song, Li Yu 賴俐均 Lai, Li Chun |
Keywords: | 婚暴社工 復元 social workers in the field of partner abuse recovery |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-01-04 16:55:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文目的在於了解婚暴社工運用優勢觀點的復元經驗及促進復元之因素,包含婚暴社工的工作逆境、復元經驗以及促進復元之因素。本研究以八位民間單位婚暴社工為對象,運用深度訪談法蒐集資料,研究結果發現如下: 一、 本研究發現婚暴社工面臨的挫折與壓力有四個來源,分別為「工作上的挫折與壓力」、「來自個案的挫折與壓力」、「媒體報導」以及「現行家暴體制」。工作上的挫折與壓力分別為:(1)與期待上的落差、(2)家暴工作的本質、(3)紀錄及行政工作;來自個案的挫折與壓力有:(1)個案改變意願不高、拒絕服務、(2)個案反覆、(3)個案質疑、威脅、重大案件、(4)精神疾患;源自現行家暴體制中的挫折與壓力有:(1)人力不足、(2)網絡合作壓力、(3)重大事件的檢討制度。 二、 本研究發現婚暴社工的復元經驗包含工作上的復元以及生活上的復元。工作上的復元包括:工作上的轉念、看待個案的方式、工作模式的改變以及對社工價值的肯定。在生活上的復元包括:正向能量提升、關係改變、教育子女方式改變以及自身的改變。 三、 促進婚暴社工復元的因素有四,分別為「個案部分」、「正式資源」、「非正式資源」以及「社工本身的因素」。個案部分包括:(1)看見個案復元、(2)個案本身的力量、(3)個案回饋;正式資源部分包括:(1)組織協助、(2)督導制度、(3)同儕部分、(4)網絡單位、(5)教育訓練;在非正式資源部分包括:(1)家人的支持、(2)朋友的支持、(3)信仰;社工本身的因素包括:(1)社工轉念、(2)社工特質、(3)社工自我覺察。 四、 本研究歸納社工學習優勢觀點及復元歷程,發現社工將學習優勢觀點視為復元的一部份,因此有「學習期」、「衝撞期」到「成長復元期」。在成長復元期時,正向能量會不斷上升,然而情緒仍會受外在事件影響,只是撫平情緒的速度加快。 五、 本研究之發現,有助於規畫如何發揮現有資源之功能,促進社工員復元。研究者據以針對婚暴社工本身及組織部分提出建議。 The study aimed to explore the process, and facilitating factors of recovery among social workers in the field of partner abuse. The aspects addressed included the adversities social workers encountered, the recovery experiences and the facilitating factors of recovery. The investigator in depth interviewed eight social workers in NGO. The results are as follows: 1. The results indicated that social workers in the field of partner abuse may encounter four types of work related pressure and frustration : on work、from client、media coverage、and the system of domestic violence. Work related pressure and the frustration include: the gap between expectation and results, the property of domestic violence, work load of case recording and administration; the pressure and the frustration from client includ: lack of motivation for change or receiving services, clients couldn’t make up their mind, client distrust and serious event, and mental disorders. The system related pressure and frustration includ: insufficient social workers, pressure from service network, and the institution review on serious event. 2. The results indicated that social workers may have two types of recovery: work and life. The recovery on work included: reconstruction on their work and clients, changing working model, and reaffirming the value of social work. The recovery on life included: positive power increased, their relationship improved, changing the way of discipling their children and themselves. 3. There are four types of facilitating factors: client, formal resources, unformal resources, and social works. Client related factors includ: clients’ recovery, seeing the power of clients, clients’ feedbacks. Formal resources related factors includ: assistance from the organization, supervision, peer support, the service network, and training. Unformal resources related factors includ: support from family and friends, and spiritual faith. The social works related factors includ: reconstruction, the characteristics of social worker, and self awareness. 4. The process of recovery starts from the “learning stage”,” collide stage” to “growth and recovery stage”. On the growth and recovery stage, the positive energy increased, social workers’ mood would still influenced by external events, and yet could regain peace in a shorter time. 5. The above mentioned facilitating factors of recovery could be useful for planning future employee assistance program. Some suggestions are provided for social workers and NGO. |
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