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Title: | 香港一國兩制:初始的檢視研究 One Country Two Systems in Hong Kong: A preliminary assessment |
Authors: | 林楷涵 Lin, Kenny |
Contributors: | 姜家雄 Jiang, Alex 林楷涵 Lin, Kenny |
Keywords: | 一國兩制 雨傘花運動 聯合聲明 高度自治 One country two systems umbrella movement Joint declaration high degree of autonomy |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-12-02 17:04:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中國在香港的一國兩制以高度自治為治理基礎,香港在1997回歸中國後已過了18個年頭,中國政府當初在中英聯合聲明中所給予香港的承諾如:高度自治,資本主義,以及人權自由,然而,這些承諾在今日的香港發展的如何為此論文的研究目的。研究方法採取文獻分析法以及次級資料分析,並且運用官方文件和香港大學的民意調查來做為研究基礎。研究結果發現,香港的高度自治尤其是在民主發展的進程,中國政府依然扮演著重要的角色,另一方面,除了新聞自由在近年來備受波及外其他方面的人權自由皆沒有明顯受侵害的趨勢。香港繁榮在回歸之後雖然幾度陷入全球蕭條的影響但在和中國快速經濟整合的背景下,香港的經濟得以維持在一定水準,但貧富差距等問題造成香港政府及社會的隱憂。 This research is an attempt to conduct a preliminary assessment of one-country two systems in Hong Kong since the handover of sovereignty from British government back to China in 1997, particularly on the aspects of high degree of autonomy and economic performance. As promised in Sino-British Joint Declaration in 1984 that China pledged to be committed to sustain high degree of autonomy and way of life, capitalism in Hong Kong and this policy would remain unchanged for 50 years. This research draws heavily on secondary data and documentary analysis to answer the research questions, and the research found out that high degree of autonomy, way of life, have in some parts been enchroahed upon. On the other hand, the prosperity of Hong Kong has been ensured. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) 102926016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1029260161 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [亞太研究英語博/碩士學位學程(IDAS/IMAS)] 學位論文
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