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    Title: 中國對台灣選舉和台灣回應演變的影響
    China’s Evolving Influence over Taiwan’s Elections and Taiwanese Responses
    Authors: 楊文心
    Borgwardt, Samuel Mark
    Contributors: 蔡中民
    Tsai, Chung Min
    Samuel Mark Borgwardt
    Keywords: 國民黨
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-12-02 17:03:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 於1980年代的後半幾年中國大陸對台灣的選舉影響開始演變。中國仍然秉持一個中國的原則,而且中國為了統一台灣不排除使用軍力。但是中國這幾年開始用跟之前不同的手段影響台灣的選舉。中國最近開始用經濟發展與自由貿易來試圖影響台灣的選舉。反過來說台灣的兩個政黨對中共的新手段亦有不同的立場。藍影認為中國對台灣來說是個機會,綠影則認為中國對台灣的民主是一個威脅。
    Beginning with Taiwan’s transition to democracy in the late 1980s China’s influence over Taiwan has begun to evolve. China, although still maintaining the right to use military force, has transition to a more economic way of dealing with Taiwan. China attempts to influence Taiwanese voting behavior by offering economic incentives for closer relations with the Mainland. This change has resulted in both of Taiwan’s main political parties evolving their positions on China. The Kuomintang (KMT) views China as an opportunity and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) views China as a threat.

    Keywords: China, Taiwan, Kuomintang (KMT), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
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