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    Title: 探討Instagram對品牌體驗及廣告效果之影響:以高中生為例
    Exploring the Influence of Instagram on Brand Experience and Advertisement Effectiveness: An Example of Senior High School Students
    Authors: 鄭心怡
    Cheng, Hsin Yi
    Contributors: 孫式文
    Sun, Se Wen
    Cheng, Hsin Yi
    Keywords: 品牌體驗
    Brand Experience
    Advertisement Effectiveness
    Senior High School Students
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-11-02 14:53:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 探討Instagram對品牌體驗及廣告效果之影響:以高中生為例
    Having a presence on social mobile applications has become a popular marketing strategy for brands. Instagram, a photo-sharing and video-sharing social mobile application became the second largest social network site in the US in 2014 (eMarketer, 2015). Its image-intensive and social interactive nature provides brands a perfect environment for marketing. However, does it help brands to improve the brand experience? Is it a good platform for enhancing advertisement effectiveness? This study aims at exploring Instagram’s influence on brand experience and advertisement effectiveness. Four brands were chosen in this study, they are Nike, Starbucks, Hollister, and BMW. Senior high school students in Taiwan were chosen as the participants of this study. Quasi-experiment and Latin square design were used in this research to explore the influence of Instagram on these senior high school students. The four brands’ Instagram contents were taken as experimental treatment. Students completed measurements in both controlled condition and experimental condition. The result of these two conditions was compared to see Instagram’s influence on brand experience and advertisement effectiveness. The results showed that Instagram significantly improved students’ overall brand experience towards Nike and Starbucks. Instagram also improved the overall advertisement effectiveness of Starbucks and Hollister. However, the Instagram contents of BMW did not have any influence on improving students’ brand experience or advertisement effectiveness. Moreover, participants’ purchase intention toward the four brands was also not affected by Instagram. Based on the insight of this study, Instagram did help improve the brand experience and advertisement effectiveness for some brands. These brands were mostly the apparel and food & beverage brands which was welcomed among younger audiences. Brands that participants were most familiar with were also successful in improving its brand experience on Instagram. Instagram contents that participants can relate to were most influential in improving the advertisement effectiveness. Brands that were less familiar with participants could also gain success on Instagram by providing the right contents. Therefore, when marketing brands among senior high school students in Taiwan, brand types, strengths of brand, and the force of pull from familiarity are crucial on improving their brand experience and advertisement effectiveness on Instagram.
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