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    Title: 國際醫療商業模式之探討:以公私立醫院為例
    A study on business model of international healthcare: Take public and private hospitals as examples
    Authors: 林佩怡
    Lin, Pei I
    Contributors: 林月雲
    Lin, Yeh Yun
    Lin, Pei I
    Keywords: 國際醫療
    international healthcare
    business model
    public hospital
    private hospital
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-11-02 14:46:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技的發展,帶動全球化潮流,「病人無國界」的趨勢也因而形成。醫療資訊普及流通,民眾可以在此基礎上,尋求最能滿足自我需求的醫療服務,於是出現了跨越國界的醫療型態。相較於歐美國家高昂的醫療費用與冗長的就醫等候時間,亞洲國家擁有健全之醫療服務與品質,且能享有較低廉之醫療費用,促使著歐美國家民眾紛紛前往亞洲國家就醫。其次,隨著M型化社會型態在各國發酵,經濟能力較高者,對於跨國尋求高品質、高技術醫療服務的需求就越多,加上科技發達,人類平均壽命逐漸延長,形成高齡化的社會,帶來了全球醫藥保健與健康照護產業龐大之商機。國際醫療因而成為近年來炙手可熱之新興產業,帶動龐大經濟產值,進而促使許多國家開始重視此面向,紛紛開始推動各項政策,爭取發展國際醫療之契機。台灣正式推動國際醫療發展計畫至今已經九年多,國內許多公、私立醫療院所都加入此推動行列,但成效如何,以及公私立醫院在推行國際醫療上,所建立的經營模式是否相同等,都是本研究的重點。
    本研究以個案分析法,運用Mark W. Johnson, Clayton M. Christensen, 及Henning Kagermann的商業模式再創新之四大構面「顧客價值主張」、「利潤公式」、「關鍵資源」、「關鍵流程」,探討公、私立醫院發展國際醫療服務之經營模式,並分析公、私立醫院經營國際醫療的差異處、不足之處以及彼此可學習之處,藉此提供兩者未來操作國際醫療策略之建議。
    With the rise of globalization, the advancement of technology and breakthrough in healthcare, people nowadays seek the best medical care in all parts of the world. People could search and choose to get the healthcare they hope to receive without borders. In western countries where medical care is expensive and inefficient, more and more people from these nations are flocking to Asian countries like Taiwan to receive a more complete and cost-efficient health care. On the other hand, upper class people in an M society could have the privilege to seek the best medical care in countries where healthcare is more advanced. Therefore, International healthcare service has been one of the most important strategies for hospitals in countries like Taiwan. Most private and public organizations in the medical field have put their efforts to integrate the most reliable sources to join this trend. The purpose of this study is to explore how public and private hospitals in Taiwan set up their business models in regards to international healthcare, and verify if their business models are feasible.
    This study implemented case study methods and applied “customer value proposition”, “profit formula”, ”key resources”, and “key processes ”, four dimensions of successful business model proposed by Mark W. Johnson, Clayton M. Christensen and Henning Kagermann to discuss the different factors for public hospital and private hospital in international healthcare. This study expects to discover the key successful factors and provide suggestions to each of them.
    The results of this study show that public hospitals regarded as non-profit organizations are less flexible because of the limitation on traditional regulations, thus it is difficult to set up a more complete and internationalized business model. On the other hand, private hospitals are more flexible. In order to strengthen their competitive advantage, these private organizations must promote their own brand actively to achieve a competitive advantage in this globalized trend.
    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與動機 1
    第二節 研究目的 3
    第三節 研究流程 4
    第二章 文獻探討 5
    第一節 國際醫療服務 5
    第二節 台灣醫療環境 16
    第三節 台灣發展國際醫療現況 22
    第四節 泰國、韓國發展國際醫療之優勢 41
    第五節 商業模式相關理論 44
    第三章 研究方法 57
    第一節 研究架構 57
    第二節 研究方法 58
    第三節 本研究資料與個案來源 61
    第四章 個案分析 63
    第一節 個案醫院A 64
    第二節 個案醫院B 73
    第三節 政府單位訪談結果 79
    第五章 研究分析與討論 90
    第一節 研究分析與發現 90
    第二節 研究討論 95
    第六章 結論與建議 96
    第一節 研究結論 96
    第二節 研究建議 97
    參考文獻 105
    附錄一 訪談大綱 110
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