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    Title: 【依公,依嬤】馬祖耆老攝影紀事
    ” Grandparents” Documentary Photography and Narratives of the Elderly in Matsu.
    Authors: 陳希倫
    Chen, Hsi Lun
    Contributors: 張卿卿
    Chang, Ching Ching
    Chen, Hsi Lun
    Keywords: 依公依嬤
    The Elderly
    Documentary Photography
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-11-02 14:45:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 馬祖特殊的地理位置與歷史背景,形成與台灣本島十分迥異的文化景觀,在「戰地政務」時期封閉的三十餘年,將部分無形的資產保存了下來,另一方面,軍方對於相機的管制,也造成庶民生活的影像記錄缺漏難尋,區域歷史也難以脫離官方色彩。因此,此創作計畫希望透過馬祖耆老肖像、口述,一窺馬祖過去八十年歷史的斷面;也經由老者的面容、生命故事,以替代性的參與重拾對於依公、依嬤溫暖的記憶。此次創作採取「紀實攝影」的方式,結合寫實主義美學,以不編導場景、姿勢,不暗示情緒的「冷面」風格,以「擺拍」的方式拍攝數位馬祖耆老,並輔以現場訪談、文字記錄。最終以展覽的形式整合呈現「攝影敘事」與「圖說敘事」之內容。根據回饋意見,此次的創作成果在體驗與情感方面獲得了不少共鳴,但是展覽呈現仍有改進空間,整體而言,這個主題值得更深入、長久的探索與記錄。
    Due to the unique geographic location and history background, Matsu shows a completely different culture from Taiwan. Matsu has saved the Intangible Cultural Heritage during the military rule that lasting for over 30 years. However, the restriction of camera using caused the difficulty of recording the image and status of the real life within that time. Moreover, the region history is likely to be related to military. Therefore, this project aimed to discover the history of Matsu in the past 80 years through the portraits and oral history of the residents as well as participating the old-days of the “grandparent”.

    The project has adopted the method of Documentary Photography combining Realism and then illustrated the whole pictures of elders of Matsu in Posed Photography and Deadpan style with the interview and words recording.

    The project has been presented through an exhibition that integrated Photography Narrative and caption. According to the result, there were a great number of feedback shows this project successfully acquired the feedback both in emotion and personal experience. Although it can be seen that some of improvement are necessary, generally to say, this project is worthy to be developed as a long-term project which can be explored and recorded in deeper and more comprehensive way.
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