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    Title: 全人教育與體現認知論
    Holistic Education and Theories of Embodied Cognition
    Authors: 徐永康
    Contributors: 馮朝霖
    Keywords: 全人教育
    holisitc education
    standard cognitve theory
    theories of embodied cognition
    spiritual education
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-10-01 14:25:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文試圖從體現認知論來證成全人教育的重要性。全人教育作為一種教育理念,主要在恢復全人整體圖像,把身體、心理與靈性的元素,融入生活處境中進行整合,而這也成為我國教育改革期望能達到的目標之一。體現認知論成為二十一世紀中,逐漸成形一種新型態的認知科學,各領域的學者,都一致地認為身體與環境,不只是扮演過去傳統認知科學中的因果角色,而且是認知活動的構成要件,換言之,認知活動並不侷限我們的腦內,身體與情境的改變,足以影響我們認知的心理內容,認知是整合性的動態活動。
    The purpose of dissertation focuses on justifying the value of holistic education from theories of embodied cognition. Holistic education as the ideal of education tries to recover a human being’s whole image which integrating body, mind, and spirituality as a unity. At the meanwhile, the holistic education is the one of our educational goals in Taiwan. It is very interesting that there is a new science of mind called theories of embodied cognition gradually forming in beginning of 21 century. Scholars from different domains claim consistently that our body and environment do not only play the causal roles but also being the constitutive elements in our cognitive processes. In other words, our body and environment have significant meaning to influence our cognitive content. The cognitive activities can’t be constrained in our brain alone, which are integrative and dynamical activities actually.

    Theories of embodied cognition disagrees with the claims of standard cognitive theories which believe that all the phenomena of cognition only occur in our brain. Embodied cognition tries using different angle to re-describe what is perception, conceptual categories, the meaning of language, and building a new cognitive model properly. The core of embodied cognition is based on the perception as action which implies that the structure of knowledge is based on our body. This ideas are different the disembodied structure of knowledge.

    In order to making the connection between the embodied cognition and holistic education, I use the embodied cognition as the foundation of holistic education. The dissertation illustrates the picture of holistic education which wants to integrate body, mind, and spirituality as a unity and fix the erroneous materialism and reductionism in our education. However, there are two kinds of holisms, one is called standard cognition which claim that cognitive phenomena are constrained in our brain, and the others are called the embodied cognition which claim that our body and environment constitute our cognitive processes. Compared with the two theories, there are many evidences to support the embodied cognition which justifies the body and environment playing significant roles in our cognition and give a conclusion that the cognition is a dynamical enactedness which involves using the image schema.

    Finally, I think the embodied cognition give new meaning of the body, the body is the core to develop the image schema as the foundation of imagination which can integrates perception, emotion, and reason. Everyone has this cognitive structure which give the new interpretation of holistic education.
    Keywords: embodied cognitive theories, holistic education, imagination, spiritual education, standard cognitive theories.
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