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Title: | 政策變遷之研究:以直轄市山地原住民區自治為例 A Research of Policy Change : A Case Study of Mountain Indigenous Districts of Special Municipalities |
Authors: | 陳丘玫 Chen, Chiu Mei |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 Chen, Don Yun 陳丘玫 Chen, Chiu Mei |
Keywords: | 直轄市山地原住民區 政策變遷 區自治 Special Municipal Mountain Indigenous District policy change regional autonomy |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-10-01 14:25:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 為面對全球化及區域化的激烈競爭,我國政府的因應策略中即包括藉由健全區域的發展,提昇國家總體競爭力,而具體政策之一為於地方制度法增訂縣市單獨或合併升格直轄市的條文,以期透過直轄市帶動週邊縣市的發展。然而直轄市組織制度與縣市不同,轄內劃分為「區」,區非自治團體而為市政府的派出機關,因此99年隨同新北市、臺中市及高雄市轄區內烏來、和平、桃源、茂林及那瑪夏等5個於於山地原住民區域的山地鄉改制為直轄市之區,不再具有公法人地方,無法進行自治,因而引起原住民族的抗爭。
其中有關實務建議部分,第一,提出本個案成功達到政策變遷的原因、過程及關鍵因素,希望作為往後欲推動政策變遷之類似個案參考;其次,希望中央相關部會儘速完成制度面後續的配套修法,並協助原住民地區提升自籌財源能力;第三,中央與地方應有更充份的溝通,並且協助地方改善因選舉而衍生的陋習;再來,應釐清我國原住民族自治的範疇、定位及方式;最後,建議針對重大政策變遷可依指標進行政策評估。另外,於後續研究建議部分,本研究認為可針對立法委員立法面向、保障少數族群的底線及政黨因素於原住民族區域治理的作用等議題進一步的研究及討論。 Facing global competition and the localization of competitive advantage, Taiwanese government enforces strategies including strengthening regional development to promote general competitiveness of the country. One of the concrete policies is the amendment of Local Government Act in planning to change counties/cities into special municipalities or merge counties/cities with other special municipalities or counties/cities into a special municipality to push the development of the regions forward.
However, the organization system of special municipality is different from counties/cities. “Districts” within the special municipality are branches of city government, no longer autonomous as local self-government. In 2010, regions like Wulai located in New Taipei City, Heping in Taichung, Maolin and Namasia in Kaohsiung City were changed into districts of special municipality, the indigenous people therefore fought against the policy which brought no autonomous status.
As the result of indigenous legislators’ struggle for autonomy of indigenous districts, these five regions have been converted from mountain indigenous townships were shall have autonomous status. The Local Government Amendment Act were amended and promogated on 14 January 2014, and forced by the president on 29 January 2014. Furthermore, on 29 November 2014, the mountain indigenous districts held the first election of the first batch of councilors and chief administrators. This study sets timing range from when these five indigenous townships transformed into municipal districts to when they attained autonomy due to law amendment. By collecting materials concerning the process of policy change as well as conducting qualitative interviews with legislators and executive authorities to obtain multidimensional information, this study analyses and constructs a full outlook of the individual case.
This study is based on “environment and discipline dimension”, “policy network and interaction” and “policy’s character and attribute” as the structure of research. By ways of observing the function and influence of policy window and of regrouping secondary data and interview records systematically, this study brings forward research results, practical recommendations and suggestions for follow-up study.
As for practical recommendations, first, this study addresses the reason, process and key factors for the individual case succeeding in policy change in hope of propelling policy change for similar cases in the future. Secondly, this study expects concerned ministry or commission in the central government to complete the follow-up amendments systemically as soon as possible; also they should assist indigenous regions in enhancing the ability of self-financing. Third, the conversation carried by the central with the local should be more sufficient and it should assist the local in correcting undesirable customs resulted from elections. Moreover, the scope, position and manner of indigenous people’s autonomy in Taiwan should be clarified. Lastly, this study suggests that policy evaluation should be implemented according to index when it comes to major policy change. In addition, for follow-up research, this study advises further research and discussion targeting at topics such as legislator’s lawmaking, the bottom line of protecting minor groups, and party’s influence on indigenous regions’ management. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 102921076 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102921076 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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