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Title: | 公務人員考試錄取人員基礎訓練成效評估之研究-以102年公務人員高等考試基礎訓練受訓人員為例 A study on the Civil Service Examination Qualification Basic Training Effectiveness Evaluation:A Case Study of 2013 Senior Civil Service Examination Basic Training Trainees |
Authors: | 楊慧娟 Yang, Hui Chuan |
Contributors: | 黃東益 Huang, Tong Yi 楊慧娟 Yang, Hui Chuan |
Keywords: | 考試錄取人員 四階層評估模式 委外訓練 基礎訓練 訓練成效 Civil Service Examination Qualification New World Kirkpatrick Model Out-sourced Training Organization, Basic Training Training Effectiveness |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-10-01 14:25:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國公務人員考試錄取人員須經訓練及格才能成為正式公務人員,公務人員職前訓練分為基礎訓練與實務訓練,公務人員保障暨培訓委員會及所屬國家文官學院為辦理基礎訓練,每年均投入大量資金與人力,為瞭解訓練成效,爰進行本研究,並以102年公務人員高等考試錄取人員為研究對象,並以KirkpAtrick的四階層評估理論為基礎,針對反應層次與學習層次進行研究,以瞭解不同考試類科、受訓地區及訓練機關(構)之受訓人員,對於課程、講座、教材、整體、輔導員或行政安排等反應層次的滿意度,以及基訓成績、本質特性、測驗成績、選擇題、實務寫作題或是專題研討等學習層的成績,是否有所不同?國家文官學院及中區培訓中心自辦訓練與委外代訓機關(構)之訓練成效,是否有差異? 進行分析後發現如下:一、如同KirkpAtrick全新的四階層評估理論模式所強調,反應層次影響學習層次;二、不論自辦或委辦訓練機關(構)之訓練成訓均各有優劣,訓練機關(構)之訓練成效各異;三、經由t檢定結果顯示,考試類科對在講座及教材問項均達顯著影響,先備知識影響訓練成效。爰針對研究發現提出幾項建議:一、實施前測與後測,確認職能缺口與訓練成效;二、訓前規劃前測;彈性運用評量方式,建立多元評鑑機制;三、整合訓練資料,建立長期追蹤資料庫;四、應針對訓練機關(構)學校進行訓練成效評估,並依據評估結果,決定合作之優先順序,以掌握訓練品質,以保障受訓人員權益,讓全體公務人員素質不斷提升。 To become a Civil Servant in Taiwan, one must pass the civil service examination and training, where training is further divided into basic and on-the-job training. The Civil Service Protection and Training Commission (CSPTC) and National Academy of Civil Service (NACS) devoted hours of manpower and funds annually in organizing basic training and to better comprehend the training effectiveness, a study was conducted on 2013 Senior Civil Service Examination trainees using the New World Kirkpatrick Model as the basis for evaluation.
The study focused on reaction (level 1) and learning (level 2) levels of the Kirkpatrick Model. The study aims to understand trainee’s satisfactory reactions of different examination topics, training locations and training organizations on courses, forums, training materials, assistant counselors, administrative planning and the overall experience; the learning level wishes to identify differences through basic training grades, intrinsic properties, examination grades, multiple choice questions, on-the-job essays and seminars, if any?
In addition, are there any differences in the training effectiveness between National Academy of Civil Service and out-sourced organizations?
The analysis of the study found the following 1. The study conforms to New World Kirkpatrick Model’s emphasis that reaction affects learning. 2. Regardless of the training organization (government or out-sourced), there are pros and cons, and varying degrees of training effectiveness. 3. As t-test data shows, seminars and materials showed significant effectiveness for examination topics, pre knowledge greatly affects the training outcome. Hence I proposed the following: A. Administer pre and post examinations to identify training needs and confirm training effectiveness. B. Pre examination before training: flexible evaluation methods to establish variable evaluation mechanisms. C. Integrate training data and build a long term track record and database. D. Conduct training effectiveness evaluation on training organizations to prioritize training courses for the best possible quality, protect trainees’ rights and in turn, steadily boost the overall quality of Civil Servants. |
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