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Title: | 欲望大他者:80年代電影與小說的互文性──以〈孤戀花〉、〈我愛瑪莉〉、〈風櫃來的人〉為例 Desiring the Other: the Intertextuality between Fiction and 1980s Films-using Love`s Lone Flower, I Love Mary, and Boys from Fenggui as the examples |
Authors: | 吳孟翰 Wu, Meng Han |
Contributors: | 楊小濱 Yang, Xiao Bin 吳孟翰 Wu, Meng Han |
Keywords: | 大他者 四種話語 孤戀花 我愛瑪利 風櫃來的人 the Other four discourses Love`s Lone Flower I Love Mary Boys from Fenggui |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-10-01 14:17:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究的核心關切,在於指出小說與其改編電影之間的差異的面貌,乃因文化語境作為一個拉岡精神分析理論下的大他者,時刻影響著文本的生成與改變。因此,本研究透過互文性的脈絡,將文化語境此一要素引入文學與其改編電影的討論之中,並且經由拉岡四種話語的結構,重新對兩類文本進行分析。在此一方法下,本研究以白先勇〈孤戀花〉、黃春明〈我愛瑪莉〉,以及朱天文〈風櫃來的人〉為主要文學文本,並以林清介、柯一正、與侯孝賢於八○年代分別執導的同名電影為探論對象,最後指出改編電影在文化語境的影響下所形成的三種樣態,分別是:主人話語結構下,主體追尋大他者絕爽的改編;或者,在大學話語結構下,主體因為對文化語境完全臣服,而使改編陷入一種錯亂的情境;又或者,在分析師話語結構下,主體因穿越大他者的幻想,而在境界上形成的超越改編。 The main purpose of this study is to argue the influence of culture, which being the Other in Lacanian psychoanalytic theory, in fiction and its film adaptation. That is, this study would elaborate how a subject`s desire toward the Other could let the Other affect the generation and transformation of the adaptation in every second. Hence, through the context of intertextuality, this study brings culture into the discussion between fiction and adaptation, and re-analyses two kinds of text by the structure of four discourses in Lacan’s psychoanalysis theory. Using the fiction Love`s Lone Flower, I Love Mary, and Boys from Fenggui as the example, and comparing to their film adaptation, this study, in the end, points out three different types that, under the influence of culture, the adaptation would become: In master’s discourse, the adaptation could be the production, produced by the subject who chases after the Other’s jouissance. And in university’s discourse, it could be a confused situation that results from subject’s complete obedience to the Other. Or in analytic discourse, it could be a transcendent adaptation which is generated by the subject who traverses the Other’s fantasy. |
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