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    Title: 臺灣客語時貌構式:詞彙與構式觀點
    Aspectual constructions in Taiwanese Hakka: A Lexical-Constructional Approach
    Authors: 李詩敏
    Li, Shih Min
    Contributors: 賴惠玲
    Lai, Huei Ling
    Li, Shih Min
    Keywords: 時貌構式
    aspectual construction
    Taiwanese Hakka
    Construction Grammar
    lexical semantics
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-10-01 14:09:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去探討臺灣客語時貌性議題的文獻多從詞彙語意角度著手,鮮少以搭配構式角度切入,此方法較容易忽略句子中影響時貌的其他成分。為窺得時貌性之全貌,本論文採詞彙與構式互動之觀點,同時觀察事態類型、動後時貌性成分及其他附加語。此外,為不流於主觀,本論文採用臺灣客語語料庫之語料,以客觀探討臺灣客語四個時貌構式(即,「等」構式、「忒」構式、「著」構式、「過」構式)所牽涉的議題。
    Previous studies on aspectuality in Taiwanese Hakka are mostly on the basis of lexical semantics rather than the collostrution; therefore, factors of constructional/sentential elements which affect aspectuality are often overlooked. To investigate the whole picture of aspectualiy, here we adopt the perspective of interaction of lexical semantics and constructions to examine situation types, aspectual elements preceded by verbs, and adjuncts. For the sake of objectivity, the corpus of Taiwanese Hakka is utilized to discuss the issues of four aspectual constructions in Taiwanese Hakka, i.e., the den2 construction, the ted4 construction, the do2 construction and the go3 construction.
    Three issues are concerned in this dissertation, including the collostruction of situation types and aspectual constructions, coercion caused by the conflicts between lexical meanings and constructional meanings, and the syntactic and semantic change of aspectual elements. After our inspection, it is found that, first, different collocation with aspectual elements will bring about different aspectual construals. This proves that the study of aspectuality has to be resorted to a broader context. Second, when lexical meanings are compatible with constructional meanings, aspectual constructions do not have coercion effects on aspect. Otherwise, lexical meanings will compete with constructional meanings. Then, constructional meanings become the winner and then overrides are coerced. Overrides are classified into cases of explicit and implicit conversion. Explicit conversion is performed by shift constructions, whereas implicit conversion is performed by concord constructions. Third, the collstruction of aspectual elements with different neighboring constructions will result in grammaticalization. The higher degree the collocation has, the more lexicalized the collostruction is.
    As for the status of the four aspectual constructions in Taiwanese Hakka, the den2 construction refers to a continuous state or a stativizing event. Den2 is a durative aspect marker signifying an imperfective viewpoint. The ted4 construction refers to a change of state. Ted4 signifies a perfective viewpoint. The syntactic function of ted4 is grammaticalized from a phase marker to an aspect marker. The do2 construction refers to a resulted state which is momentarily actualized by an event. Do2 is a phase marker signifying a perfective viewpoint. The go3 construction refers to a completion, experience or recurrence of an event. Go3 is a perfect aspect marker, an experiential aspect marker or a duplicative aspect marker signifying three kinds of perfective viewpoints. On the route of syntactic changes, den2 and go3 become grammaticalized faster than ted4. By comparison, do2 is the slowest one than others. Due to a lack of diachronic data, synchronic data and a cross-linguistic comparison are applied. It is asserted that the den2 and go3 constructions have stativizing functions. The do2 construction illustrates different degree of fusion. Further, ted4 is undergoing syntactic changes. Go3 has several syntactic categories and performs principles of grammaticalization. These findings suggest that we have to revise the principles of distinguishing phase markers from aspect markers, to supply arguments to previous studies on Taiwanese Hakka, and to recruit the duplicative function of go3.
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