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    Title: 誘人的反感:怪物及厭噁美學
    Alluring Aversion: The Monstrous and Aesthetics of Disgust
    Authors: 林嘉鴻
    Lin, Chia Hung
    Contributors: 陳超明
    Chen, Chao Ming
    Lin, Chia Hung
    Keywords: 美學
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-10-01 14:08:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 哥德研究創建了自我的世界。批評與理論努力地透過客製化的方法與術語去捕捉與檢視哥德文學中不同的黑暗與恐怪模式。哥德不只是虛構的故事;它形塑與發聲了某些人類的經驗,並且探索了社會與文化的場境。關於哥德美學研究,大多是關於艾德蒙.伯克與伊曼紐.康德的壯美概念,闡釋人類主觀經驗的黑暗性,其中多著重於壯美與恐怖的力量,特別是其「壓倒性」效果的特色。這些方面,雖經研究開發,但仍未盡察其暗黑藝術。在哥德研究方面,厭噁曾被提及其影響的價值,但卻缺乏有系統地檢視與理論化。除了關於恐怖在哥德小說方面廣泛的研究,另一個原始的情動,厭噁,被指出其影響的價值,扮演重要的角色在於捕捉愉悅的厭噁與厭噁的愉悅於哥德黑暗美學的模稜性,如此重要但仍缺乏闡釋與理論化。此論文目標在於,透過重新解讀在《夜訪吸血鬼》、《沉默的羔羊》與《美國殺人魔》中有名/惡名的哥德怪物,多面檢視研究厭噁美學特性。
    Gothic studies have developed a world of its own. Criticisms and theories struggle to capture and examine various patterns of darkness and eeriness in Gothic literature through employing customized methods and jargons. The Gothic is not just about fictional stories; it shapes and articulates certain human experiences, and explores the societal and cultural circumstances. The studies of the Gothic aesthetics are mostly related to Edmund Burke’s and Immanuel Kant’s concepts of the sublime, elaborating the darkness of human subjective experience, in which the force of the sublime and terror is emphasized, especially the feature of “overwhelming” effect. Gothic aesthetics, in facets of sublime, terror, and horror, has been elaborated but not exhausted its art of darkness. Apart from extensively studied terror in Gothic novels, another primitive affect, disgust, which cannot be denied its affecting value but still lacks elaboration and theorization, plays a significant roles in the grasp of the ambivalence of pleasurable aversion and aversive pleasure of Gothic aesthetics of darkness. This dissertation aims at interrogating the multifaceted aesthetics of disgust via re-examinations of in/famous Gothic monsters in Interview with the Vampire, The Silence of the Lambs, and American Psycho.
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