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Title: | 加勒比海共同體(CARICOM)與台灣之間的僑民外交及能力養成 Diaspora Diplomacy and Capacity Building between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Taiwan |
Authors: | 克莉沙 |
Contributors: | 周祝瑛 克莉沙 |
Keywords: | 勒比海共同體 僑民外交 能力養成 留學生 CARICOM Diaspora Diplomacy Capacity Building Students |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-09-01 16:31:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 多年來,日本、中國大陸與台灣為加勒比海共同體,透過提供獎學金與合作交流等策略,來加強人力資本的開發。儘管如此,這些雙方的國際合作,並未在亞太地區獲得足夠的重視。尤其對於各方有利的僑民外交,更需要建構足夠的機制與制度,來建構彼此的僑民交流成效。有鑑於此,本研究擬重新檢視並探討僑民外交中,台、加雙方如何建立一個以加勒比海共同體為主的合作交流機制,及其對於雙方之可能影響。研究方法採用文件分析、訪談與問卷等方式,進行資料蒐集。研究結果發現,如何妥善運用在台的加勒比海共同體的僑民,尤其是來台的留學生等人力資源,以加強上述地區民眾的僑民外交能力養成,將有助於雙方未來進一步的交流與合作。論文最後並提出若干加強台、加兩地僑民外交的具體建議,也進一步呼籲未來學界投入相關研究之必要性。。 Through the availability of educational scholarships and cooperation exchanges offered by Japan, China and Taiwan to CARICOM nationals, a resource of human capital is present in the Asia-Pacific that has not been utilized. This diaspora is of mutual benefit to both regions in several ways, and is in need of specific mechanisms and structures to ensure effective diaspora mobilization. The thesis aims to re-introduce the topic of diaspora diplomacy and present its potential towards the creation of a collective CARICOM-specific initiative in Taiwan. These recommendations take into consideration the limitations and specificity of this case. Through the inclusion of document analyses, relevant supplementary studies, interviews and surveys, recommendations for a collective diaspora engagement strategy have been proposed. Thus, the research findings reiterated the potential of the diaspora in Taiwan, their willingness to be involved and emphasized the need for further engagement and diaspora mobilization to take place. This thesis, in its novelty serves as an impetus for additional research and much needed discussion with regards to diaspora engagement. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) 102926027 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1029260271 |
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