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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/78061
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    Title: 個人化智慧型健檢決策支援系統
    Authors: 龔文亮
    Contributors: 余千智
    Keywords: 智慧型決策支援系統
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2015-09-01 16:10:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,產、官、學界逐漸重視民眾健康資訊的管理與應用,加上消費者自主意識的提高,促使醫院加速進行醫療資訊化,以提升醫療品質及效率,同時滿足就醫者對醫療相關資訊與決策支援的需求。此外,網際網路技術的快速發展、健康保健觀念及醫療資訊政策普及化所帶來的影響,也使得提供線上即時、個人化、智慧型的健檢決策支援系統,成為了一個關鍵的研究與實務應用課題。目前大多數的健康檢查中心因主、客觀的限制,只能提供就醫者套餐式健檢組合,供就醫者作為健康檢查參考。依醫者雖可選擇健檢服務客製化模式,就個人需要或喜好增減檢查項目,但仍無法滿足個人化健檢服務需求,亦即得到專業推薦且符合個人差異與需要的個人化健檢組合方案。再者,過去的健檢系統除缺乏個人化健檢推薦功能,對於個人保健建議及後續就醫服務等亦缺乏整合性服務。而以往醫療資訊化過程中,因缺乏醫療資訊標準格式之發展,也限制醫療資訊在院所間之交換與流通,造成整合性醫療服務的困難。面對上述醫療資訊不對稱及個人化保健與醫療系統支援環境缺乏的困難,整合資料、模式及知識技術的個人化智慧型健檢決策支援系統,成為一個可行且重要的解決方法。由於此課題在文獻上缺乏具體成果,本研究的目的即在提出一個全球資訊網環境中個人化智慧型健檢決策支援系統 (Personalized Intelligent Decision Support System for Health Examination, PIDSSHE)的架構及流程,系統功能著重於個人化健檢、保健及醫療等方案的推薦,以及智慧型輔助診斷和即時性醫療資訊交換等。本論文也將提出系統發展方法並建置原型系統,以驗證架構、流程及方法的可行性與效益。
    In recent years, the health industry, the government as well as the academic area pay more attention to the people’s health information management and applications. Due to the promotion of consumer health information, the proliferation of Internet, the awareness of healthcare, and the policy of mdical care information, how to provide online personalized intelligent healthcare decision support systems becomes an critical academic and applied research issue. Most health exam centers only offer health exam packages to the patients due to subjective or objective restrictions. Even the patients may customize their health exams by adding or dropping certain health exam items, it does not meet the needs of personalized health exam recommendation based on individual differences and personal needs. Moreover, there are no integrated services for follow-up personalized clinical care recommendations. The exchanges of medical information between hospitals are limited due to the lacks of medical information exchange standards. In turn, it leads to the gaps of integrated medical services. Facing the medical information assymetry and the difficulties of current medical supporting environment, an intelligent decision support system for personalized healthcare based on the integration of data, models, and knowledge is a feasible and important solution. To fill the research gaps, our research proposes a web-based intelligent decision support system for personalized health care. To fill the research gaps, our research is to propose the system architecture and processes of a Web-based intelligent decision support systems for personalized healthcare. We also illustrate our system development methodology as well as our prototype to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of our system architecture, processes and methodology.
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