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Title: | 從守門機制看2014年簡單生活節的策展活動 An Exploratory Study of the 2014 Urban Simple Life Curation from the Perspective of Gatekeeping |
Authors: | 賴怡君 Lai, Yi Chun |
Contributors: | 張瑜倩 Chang, Yu Chien 賴怡君 Lai, Yi Chun |
Keywords: | 守門機制 節慶 策展 簡單生活節 gatekeeping festival curation Urban Simple Life Festival |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-24 10:13:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,各國政府積極推動文化創意產業,藉以帶動其他產業促進整體經濟發展,提升生活環境;其中節慶不僅能為地方或城市提供正向發展,亦屬於一文化創意展演平台,使文化商品得以於消費者面前曝光。
本研究發現在2014年簡單生活節的守門過程中,簡單生活節團隊在劃定邊界的過程除了會受到守門專業能耐影響外,亦被牽制於可篩選的內容,導致其守門過程是一反覆修正的過程。此外,除了文獻中提及的四種守門能耐外,本研究更發現在2014年簡單生活節中最重要的守門能耐為「策展能力」,策展能力讓簡單生活節團隊能協助品牌於節慶中呈現出更適切且驚喜的內容,並提升品牌能見度。最後,本研究建議,未來節慶策展團隊都應將「守門機制」之思維納入其策展規劃,並且重視策展能力的運用,藉此能了解自身的守門類型,提升節慶的策展內容,進而協助節慶本身與產業持續創新。 The purpose of the study is to investigate the importance of gatekeeping process in cultural festivals and the cultural and creative industries. This study uses the gatekeeping theory which is commonly discussed in the area of communications in order to understand how the festival carries out gatekeeping function in its curation by using an example of the “2014 Urban Simple Life Festival”.
The research question of the study is “how the 2014 Urban Simple Life Festival uses gatekeeping in the curation?”. The study adopts case study and uses participant observations and in-depth interviews as the research tools to investigate how the gatekeeping is used in the 2014 Urban Simple Life Festival curation. In addition, this research aims to explore how the gatekeeping outcomes influence festivals themselves and the innovations of the cultural and creative industries. This research finds out that the festival organizer’s gatekeeping abilities and the gatekeeping contents do affect the gatekeeping boundary. Furthermore, the gatekeeping process is a repeated correcting process. Apart from the four gatekeeping abilities in the existed literature, the study also discovers that the most important gatekeeping ability in festivals is the “curatorial ability”. With the curatorial ability, the festival organizer would be able to help and assist the participants to present their best work in the Festival as well as to enhance their brand visibility to the market. This study suggests that the festival organizer should take the “curatorial ability” into consideration during the curation process to enhance the innovation ability of the cultural and creative industries |
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