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    Title: 在發展中國家舉辦世界盃足球賽對於經濟和社會之影響: 針對2010 南非世足賽排擠窮人工作權與生存權之研究
    The Social and Economic impacts of hosting the FIFA World Cup in the Developing world: A Case Study of the Poor, the Excluded and the Disenfranchised in South Africa 2010.
    Authors: 馬泰伯
    Matsau, Thabo
    Contributors: 卜道
    Prof, David Blundell
    Matsau, Thabo
    Keywords: 世界杯足球賽
    Developing nations & mega-events
    developing nations & sports
    Sports & development
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-24 09:58:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現今年代,已不在是只有最富有和已開發國家才有舉辦豪華大型活動的權力,體育大型活動也不在是純粹的體育競賽了。由於舉辦比賽及活動可產生數十億美元的經濟效應,南半球的發展中國家及熱切的想申辦此類大型活動。但舉辦一場大型活動實際又會對當地社區、城市,甚至一個社會帶來什麼樣的影響呢?特別是當舉辦國是較貧困和資源不足的發展中國家,有時,發展中國家的社會保障自卑感造成了與已開發國家結果截然不同的結果,在某些情況下這樣的挑戰是普遍的,不管如何這樣的情況在發展中國家更常發生,也往往導致災難性的後果。本文試圖了解,在社會和經濟層面,在特定國家體育大型活動的舉辦對於特定社會群體的影響。本文希望發展中國家未來在招標與申請舉辦大型活動時,能對於現實有更好的了解,並能設置更合理的預期,此外也能對伴隨而來不可避免的人口問題有一定的準備。
    Gone are the days when the hosting of lavish mega-events is exclusive to the wealthiest and most developed nations. Gone too are the days when sporting mega-events were purely sporting spectacles. With tournaments and events generating billions of dollars, developing nations in the global south have, with increasing enthusiasm, bid to host such events. But how does a mega-event actually affect a community, a city, a society? What happens when that community is particularly impoverished and in an under-resourced developing nation? At times, the social security inferiority of developing nations produces results starkly different results to those of the developed world and in other situations the challenges are universal but are exacerbated in the developing world, often with dire consequences. This dissertation seeks to understand how, on social and economic levels, the hosting of sporting mega-events manifests itself to particular groups in society, in particular kinds of nations. This is done with the hope that developing nations bidding and hosting in the future may better appreciate the reality and therefore not only set more realistic expectations but also better prepare to guard against and remedy the inevitable consequences on some sectors of the population.
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