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    Title: 普丁時期俄國柔性權力之研究−以創意產業為例
    A Study of Russia’s Soft Power in the Putin Era: The Case of Creative Industry
    Authors: 范乃文
    Fan, Nai Wen
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Lin, Yung Fang
    Fan, Nai Wen
    Keywords: 柔性權力
    Soft Power
    Creative Industries
    Cultural Diplomacy
    National Brand
    National Image
    Russian Film
    Cultural Tourism
    Russian Culture
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-24 09:57:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因應時代的改變,構成國家實力的資源也跟著改變。不同於自然資源、軍事力量、經濟或科技實力等有形的力量,文化資源以價值觀念為核心,是經濟發展的要素之一,也是柔性權力發展的重要基礎。創意產業,是目前全球新興的產業,透過創意產業對於外交上的幫助能強化國家的柔性力量,為國家塑造良好形象,並促進國家經濟利益。
    In respond to the era of changes, the resources that constitute a nation`s strength change accordingly. Unlike tangible forces such as natural resources, military power, economic or scientific technological strength, etc., cultural resources have sense of value as its core, and is one of the elements in economic development and also the important basis for the development of soft power. The creative industry is currently an emerging industry around the globe. Through the creative industry, the diplomatic assistance can help strengthen the country`s soft power by adding a good image of the country and promoting national economic interests.

    This paper uses the perspective of "Creative industry as one of Russia’s soft power" as the starting point to reflect on how Russian values and culture expressed in film and cultural tourism, combined with the concepts of the innovation in cultural creative industry, can enhance and influence its national brand image.

    Through Nation Brands Index and the relevant international indexes we can have learned that Russia successfully exhibits its cultural attraction to the foreign public through cinema and culture, conveys its cultural spirit and enhances its national brand image. Therefore, this paper is meant to study and discover the following:

    First, Russia’s creative industry is used as a soft power to spread Russian culture as a factor and influence the world; Secondly, cultural attraction is an important asset for Russian. The cultural attraction of Russian films and culture tourism can attract the foreign public and create a sense of longing and a sense of identity; Thirdly, the country plays a key force behind the development of the creative industry. Being led by the Russian government, the Russian creative industry can thereby successfully connect with its international counterparts and bring soft power into play; Fourthly, the soft power can construct a nation’s brand image. It gives the foreign public an impression of Russia not only about hard power like military and nuclear weapon etc.; Russian culture also has influences, which are not to be underestimated internationally.
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