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Title: | 敘述文的語言特徵─教學與學習上的建議 Linguistic Features of Narrative Writing: Implications to Teaching and Learning |
Authors: | 張孝晨 Zhang, Xiao Chen |
Contributors: | 張郇慧 Chang, Hsun Huei 張孝晨 Zhang, Xiao Chen |
Keywords: | 語言特徵 敘述文 Linguistic features Narrative |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-24 09:52:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在大學入學考的英文科目中,英文作文的考題以敘述文與論說文兩種類型最為常見。特別注意的是,於每年二月份所舉行的大學學測的英文考科中,2004年至2014年間,敘述文的出現次數高達八次。因此,如何教導學生進行英文的敘述文寫作是每位高中英文老師所要面對的課題。此外,記敘文與敘述文均為描寫形式的文章,學生容易對這兩種文體產生混淆,可能影響學生的敘述文體的英文寫作而造成負面的影響。 為了幫助學生能夠了解敘述文體的特性,本研究經由以英文母語者的文章整理出七項關於敘述文的特性。此外,本研究也利用敘述文的七項特性來檢驗五篇高中英文教科書的文章與五十篇學生的英文文章,除了審視這五十五篇文章是否達到七項特性之外,也利用學生敘述文的分數發現會影響分數的語言特徵。最後,藉由研究中的發現給予英文教科書編寫與英文敘述文教學及學習上的建議。 The most common styles of English writing in the college entrance exam are narratives and expository. Furthermore, narrative writing occurs more frequently than expository in the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) held in early February every year. During the years 2004 to 2014, writing a narrative with sequential pictures was used eight times to evaluate Taiwanese senior high school students` English writing abilities. Therefore, the teaching and learning of English narratives is of a great importance for teachers and students in Taiwanese senior high schools. In order to help the teaching and learning of narrative writing, this study aims to find out the linguistic features of the narratives based on the analysis of English narratives written by native speakers. Then, according to the seven linguistic features of the narrative found in this study, fifty-five narratives from Taiwanese English textbooks and senior high school students were investigated to know whether the seven linguistic features were presented. Furthermore, to determine the significant grades-related linguistic features of students` narratives, the grades of students` narratives and the linguistic features are examined in this study. Lastly, by using the findings of the study, some pedagogical implications are offered for English textbooks, the teaching and learning of the narrative style. |
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