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Title: | 工作意義與工作投入關聯性研究—以新北市區公所工作人員為例 A Study on the Relationship between Work Meaning and Job Involvement- the Case of District Office, New TaipeiMunicipalCivil Servants |
Authors: | 李芸嘉 LI, YUN-CHIA |
Contributors: | 黃慶堂 李芸嘉 LI YUN-CHIA |
Keywords: | 工作意義 工作投入 Work Meaning Job Involvement |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-17 14:16:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討「工作意義」與「工作投入」之關聯性,並討論工作人員對於工作意義與工作投入是否受個人特質因素所影響。本研究問卷設計採用 Lee (1996) 修正的 Rokeach 價值項目為基礎,用來定義工作意義,個人特質部份以工作人員之性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、職位類別、業務類別、教育程度、工作與所學相關、工作年資,共計8項變項來驗證其工作意義是否會影響工作投入。
一、 個人特質中的「性別」、「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「業務類別」、「教育程度」、「工作年資」對工作意義有顯著差異。
二、 個人特質中的「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「教育程度」、「工作與所學相關」、「工作年資」對工作投入有顯著差異。
三、 「工作意義」與「工作投入」存在顯著正相關,顯示人們對工作的投入程度受到工作能幫助達成個人價值觀的程度所影響。
希望根據上述研究發現,使區公所工作人員瞭解對現任工作之工作意義為何,並清楚自己所重視之工作價值項目與目前工作投入之情況,進而可以依據所重視之工作價值,來找尋適合的工作內容與環境。同時,提供政府部門瞭解目前工作人員之工作意義與工作投入情況與其工作上之需求,於人力資源管理上作改善,增加工作人員工作投入程度,提升行政效能,亦可做為遴選新聘人員時之參考。 This study investigates the relationship between " work meaning" and "job involvement", analyzing how employees’ personal characters influence their " work meaning" and "job involvement". The questionnaire takes Rokeach value items modified by Lee(1996) as the basement to define work meanings. Personal characters include gender, age, marital status, position, the category of occupation, level of education, the association between studying background and work, and seniority, totally eight variables are tested in the survey to know whether work meaning influences job involvement.
Research objects are servants of district office, new taipei city government. Statistical software “SPSS” is used to analyze the survey data and the 263 valid questionnaires, the study found:
1. Personal characters include gender, age, marital status, the category of occupation, level of education, seniority are more likely to effect one’s work meaning.
2. Personal characters include age, marital status, level of education, the association between studying background and work ,and seniority are more likely to effect one’s job involvement.
3.Work meaning is positively and significantly correlated with job involvement. It shows that the more work can achieve one’s personal values the more he or she would like to involve.
We hope the above findings can help the servants of district office to realize the work meaning of the present job, and pay attention to the value they place importance on. It can finally help them to meet suitable occupation and work conditions. At the same time, it provides government departments with what the employees’ real need, improves human resource management, and increases job involvement of civil servants. When the governments recruit, the study can also be used as a reference to find the satisfying employees. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 102921058 |
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