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Title: | 我國圖書館數位典藏館員專業能力之研究 Study on Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan |
Authors: | 黃思穎 Huang, Ssu Ying |
Contributors: | 王梅玲 Wang, Mei Ling 黃思穎 Huang, Ssu Ying |
Keywords: | 數位典藏 數位圖書館 數位典藏館員 專業能力 Digital Archives Digital Library Digital Archives Librarian Competency |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-17 14:10:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討我國數位典藏館員專業能力,以深度訪談法了解數位典藏計畫、數位典藏工作範圍、功能、角色與能力之看訪,並了解數位典藏館員在數位典藏工作上所遭遇的困難與教育需求。本研究之研究目的為:(1)探討數位典藏的意涵、功能與數位典藏計畫;(2)探討數位典藏館員角色、工作範圍與專業能力;建構數位典藏館員專業能力清單,包括:館員工作範圍、能力領域與能力指標。
針對所獲得之結論,本研究提出下列幾點建議:(1)本研究建構之數位典藏館員專業能力清單建議應用在圖書館數位典藏工作能力參考與教育訓練;(2)數位典藏館員加強資訊與數位技術領域方面能力的基礎知識;(3)數位典藏館員遭遇經費與人力困難,希望圖書館能有不同管道獲取經費;(4)數位典藏工作相關教育單位應經常定期開設數位典藏相關教育課程。 The topic of this study is to examine Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan. The main purposes of the study are as follows: (1) To investigate the meaning, function of Digital Archives and Digital Archives Program; (2) to examine the role, scope of work and competence of Digital Archives Librarian; (3) Construct Digital Archives Librarians’ elements of proficiency competence, including: scope of work, range of capacity and capability indicators.
The conclusion of this study is summarized as follows: (1) Digital Archives is the entities preserves valuable information, and is maintained through the technology of digitalization to provide services and applications. Its’ ranging from the aspects of technology, content, services and the community, the main purpose is to ensure the availability, persistence, and intelligent integration of all digital data, which has cultural the value of reservation, academic research, education and learning, and reservation value-added applications. (2) Digital Archives featuring to collection, value-added applications and teaching are accepted by the most of the respondents archiving. (3) The majority of respondents are still archiving Digital Archives. (4) The roles of the Digital Archives Librarian as reservation, culture preserver and information service provider are agreed by most of the respondents promoter. (5)Preserver and part of the work of Digital Archives to commission contracted sustainability staff, hire project assistants and students part-timers and other ways to attain carry on. (6) Digital Archives Librarian’s opinions amended digital Archives librarian’s list of 10 fields of professional competence of the proposed capacity of 39 indicators. (7) Digital Archives Librarian does not respect the areas of capacity divided much changes, capacity indicators for metadata-based cataloging capabilities, communication skills, understanding of digital Archives theoretical foundation, with legal knowledge, for collection of product themes should have the capacity to understand, with a heritage preservation foundation knowledge of the most recognized.(8) Capacity index digital Archives librarians vary according to their type. (9) Most Digital Archives Librarian’s difficulty came from the funds, manpower and authorization. (10) Digital Archives Librarian’s educational needs of the most recognized are education and training for the periodic training, and through workshops, seminars, forums culture, heritage and experience.
Four conclusions are made after studying all the data: (1) Listing Digital Archives Librarian’s capabilities advice can be applied to the library’s digital Archives’ work and as work reference with education and training. (2)Digital Archives Librarian strengthen basic information and knowledge in the field of digital technical capabilities. (3) Digital Archives Librarian encounter difficulties in funding and manpower, hoping to have a different library to obtain funding for the pipeline. (4) Digital Archives’ related educational institutions should regularly open Digital Archives related educational programs. |
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