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Title: | 陸生在台使用臉書與文化適應之研究 A study of Mainland Students` Facebook Usage and Cultural Adaptation in Taiwan |
Authors: | 徐宥嫺 |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 Huang, Wei Wei 徐宥嫺 |
Keywords: | 陸生 跨文化適應 文化衝擊 臉書 疑慮消除策略 Mainland students cross-cultural adaptation culture shock Facebook uncertainty reduction strategies |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-17 14:03:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究共訪問二十位來台唸書的陸生,試圖透過深度訪談了解陸生在台灣所面臨的文化衝擊以及文化適應方法,以及臉書在陸生文化適應扮演的角色。從訪談與線上觀察了解陸生使用臉書表現,探究臉書對於陸生認識台灣與交友的影響,並歸納陸生使用臉書所採用的疑慮消除策略。
研究發現,多數陸生在台灣面臨的壓力為學業壓力、人際關係、意識型態與政策限制。由於受訪者多為碩博士學生,剛來台灣就感受到龐大的學業壓力,直接進入文化衝擊期。多數的文化衝擊,陸生都能透過自我調適或尋求人際管道、大眾媒體調整自我,融入台灣社會。另外,在使用臉書的疑慮消除策略上,多數陸生皆採取被動策略與互動策略。隨著在台時間越久,對台灣社會越熟悉,人際網絡越牢固,陸生使用臉書改採被動策略。由此可知,臉書對於陸生初進入跨文化社會時,提供一個方便觀察與認識台灣的管道。 By conducting 20 in-depth interviews with Mainland students studying in Taiwan, this research aims to investigate the culture shock that Mainland students are confronted with and their cultural adaptation in Taiwan. Moreover, the role of “Face-book” in cross-cultural adaptation for Mainland students is also a subject of the study. Based on the interviews and online observation, this research seeks to understand the behavior of Mainland students’ using Facebook, and explore how Facebook affects Mainland students’ understanding of Taiwan and interpersonal relations with Taiwanese. Finally, the research attempts to conclude what uncertainty reduction strategies Mainland students adopt with their using Facebook.
The research finds that Mainland students are most pressured by academics, interpersonal relations, ideology and policy restrictions for their study in Taiwan. The 17 interviewees are all graduate students, owing to which they experience“culture shock stage”with enormous academic stress in the early days of their living in Taiwan. Most culture shocks could be overcome and they integrate themselves into local society by self-adaptation, interpersonal communication and mass communication. Moreover, most Mainland students use passive and interactive strategies to reduce their uncertainty in Facebook using. The longer they stay in Taiwan, the deeper they understand local society and the stronger they stay in Taiwan, the deeper they understand local society and the stronger their friendship network grows, and then they turn to passive strategies in uncertainty reduction. Therefore, Facebook provides Mainland students with a channel of observing and understanding Taiwan on the initial stage of entering a new culture. |
Reference: | 中文文獻:
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