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Title: | 社群網站之多重帳號使用戰術與人際關係研究-以上班族為例 Multiple Accounts Tactics and Interpersonal Relationships on Social Network Sites: Take Employee as Example |
Authors: | 吳皓筠 |
Contributors: | 吳筱玫 吳皓筠 |
Keywords: | Facebook de Certeau 社群網站 人際關係 人際權力 形象整飾 Facebook de Certeau social network sites interpersonal relationship interpersonal power image management |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-17 14:03:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 社群網站集結了線下各種社會關係於平台中的特色,幫助使用者重整自我人際關係。社群網站中的各種功能得以應對不同社交情況,然而,根據東方線上的調查報告指出,以多重帳號分流管理人際關係的現象愈加普遍,社群媒體打破了虛實人脈的界線,在隱私權與形象管理等需求下,衍生出「雲端多重人格症」,出現多帳號、人際分流的狀態。 尤其當人們踏入職場後,將比起學生族群面臨更為多樣的社會交際互動。因此,本研究以擁有多個Facebook帳號的上班族為對象,探究他們在使用多重Facebook帳號時所採取的戰術策略、所面臨的人際關係與權力影響,以及在不同帳號中所呈現的自我形象。 本研究透過深度訪談法蒐集了八位在Facebook中經營多重帳號之上班族的使用經驗,發現上班族使用者們以創建多個Facebook帳號,作為閃躲Facebook意圖讓使用者間更加緊密連結的主要手段,藉由「與現實生活中可連結之假名」、「不完整的個人資料編輯」、「帳號間的互相封鎖或追蹤」等戰術,來對抗Facebook希望達到的人際關係串聯。另一方面,這種策略運用可被視為對de Certeau所提出之「戰略」與「戰術」的顛覆,Facebook使用者不僅運用戰術躲避網站空間的戰略,亦用以閃躲其他戰術使用者,形成另一種「戰略」與「戰術」的共舞狀態。此外,Facebook多重帳號的上班族使用者藉著「戰術」使用,不僅翻轉了原先de Certeau對「戰略」與「戰術」之二元觀點,更推翻費孝通早期所提出的人際親疏遠近模型。社群網路中的人際關係與權力影響充滿不確定性,親疏遠近的定義隨著不同使用者而改變,透過將不同層面之好友加入不同帳號的過程,上班族使用者能夠更彈性地控制這些關係中親疏遠近的變更,並在Facebook人際互動的過程中獲得更多自主權。同時,多重帳號的使用模式將傳統虛擬社群中人們得以自由探索自我之特性帶入與現實生活緊密相連的社群網站中,藉由在不同親疏關係的帳號中有不同程度的展演,上班族使用者得以同時在前/後台中現身,一邊整飾自我形象,一邊解放真實自我。 Given the function of representing offline social relations, social media platforms, such as Facebook, facilitate users to maintain their online relationships based on different social conditions. According to a report of Eastern Online, some users, for the reasons of privacy and image control, manage their interpersonal relationship with multiple accounts, resulting in the online phenomenon of ‘multiple accounts, multiple relations’. This is especially true when students graduate from schools and start to work. Once becoming job employees, they have to encounter their bosses, colleagues, and other phatic relations, enhancing their desire for manipulating multiple accounts. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine Facebook users who have created multiple accounts for social groupings, to explore their tactics against the potential power subjects such as their parents, their bosses, or Facebook itself, and to discover how they formulate their images in different accounts. Eight employee subjects with multiple Facebook accounts were recruited for in-depth interviews. The study found that, although the Facebook policy encourages world-wide users tightly interconnected, users tend to escape from this strategy by using pseudonym, partial and falsified personal data, and block and trace tactics among Facebook friends. On the other hand, users not only use tactics against the strategy made by Facebook, but also against other tactic users such as their parents or elders who are relatively powerless in using Facebook and would like to tactically detect their children’s actions all the times. Such findings have challenged de Certeau’s theory of everyday life practice, since the binary distinction of strategy and tactic is no more warranted. The study also found the uncertainty of interpersonal relationship in Facebook. Thanks to Facebook design, users are allowed to join different friends into different accounts. In other words, they can define who are ‘close friends’ and who are ‘not so close’ online. And this definition may change from time to time. Such self-control provides users with flexibility to rewrite the closeness of their Facebook ‘friends’ in different life periods. Consequently, they rewrite the stable nature of Fei Hsiao-Tung’s sense of ‘relationship’, in which closeness and strangeness would not change easily over time. Finally, with the use of multiple accounts, the study found both front-stage and back-stage selves in Facebook, making image management more complex and increasing the possibility of liberating the true selves. |
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