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    Title: 沒人陪伴的兒童移民:由貧窮與安全檢視尼加拉瓜及宏都拉斯之案例
    Unaccompanied Child Migration: An analysis of Poverty and Violence in Nicaragua and Honduras.
    Authors: 莫以恩
    Martinez, Elaine
    Contributors: 盧業中
    Lu, Yeh Chung
    Martinez, Elaine
    Keywords: 移民孩童
    child migration
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:45:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本碩士論文是以來自尼加拉瓜和洪都拉斯移民至美國的兒童為研究案例,除了解釋現今主要移民的現象之外,本論文也從歷史和社會背景的角度去分析。本研究主要著重在於尼加拉瓜和洪都拉斯兩國的驅逐因素,並且同時也探究美國為何成為主要的移民目的地。國家這些年採取的政策會影響當地移民的情形,另外還有貧窮和暴力更是造成孩童移民的主因。本研究認為家族重聚是造成人口外移至美國的主因。此外,來自中美洲北部三角地帶的孩童移民發生頻率特別高,然而,這樣的狀態並不能當作是影響這三個國家單一的因素,相反的,這個問題應該被視為廣大社會變遷中,涉及並足以影響整體的一個部份。

    This Master thesis studies the case of Children from Nicaragua and Honduras migrating unaccompanied to the U.S. Rather than simply describing the primary characteristics of the current migration trends between these countries and the US, it also assesses the historical and social context within which they have been initiated. This implied the incorporation of a historicized and multi scaled analytical perspective that has been adopted throughout the research. The study therefore focuses more on the expelling factors in both Nicaragua and Honduras and somehow – but in a lesser extent- explores the attracting factors of the U.S. It has also been important to analyze in some detail the policies the countries have adopted throughout the years that may in fact have contributing to migration in the past and may be affecting the current child migration dynamics that has now erupted in the region. After pointing out how some major factors such as poverty and violence has somewhat contributed to the current child migration crisis, the research emphasizes that family reunification remains the major driving factor of out migration towards the U.S. that needs to be addressed. Additionally, the research stresses that child migration from the northern triangle of Central America to the U.S. is occurring in a high volume, nevertheless, this dynamic should not be considered as a single issue affecting these three countries. Instead, the issue should be seen as part of a wider process of social change that involves and affect the region as a whole.
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    Description: 碩士
    Master of International Studies, English Cheng (IMPIS)
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102862007
    Data Type: thesis
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