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Title: | 創作交流平台經營模式與著作權議題之研究 A Research on Business Models and Copyright Issues For the Creation Communication Platform |
Authors: | 張文愷 Chang, Wen Kai |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi Chia 張文愷 Chang, Wen Kai |
Keywords: | 平台策略 平台經營模式 創作交流平台 數位出版 著作權 Platform strategy Platform business model Creation communication platform Digital publishing Copyright |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-03 13:44:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著網際網路興起,資訊的交流與傳遞產生了革命性的變化,同時也影響了許多產業既有的經營與交易模式,電子商務以及產品/服務數位化的概念開始大行其道。近年來,網際網路的即時性與互動性,更促成平台經營模式的興起,藉由打破傳統交易模式中單向的供應鏈形式,平台建立了多方使用者對資訊及產品/服務在供給與需求上的循環性,促成交易成本降低,進而創造更多新的商機。
1.創作交流平台對於傳統出版業與出版數位化的影響與競合關係 2.創作交流平台經營模式與成功關鍵之分析 3.創作交流平台著作權法律相關政策與議題之探討 As Internet became more and more popular, there was a revolutionary change about transportation of information, and it also deeply influenced many industries’ original operation and transaction models. For this reason, e-commercial and digitization of products and services started to prevail.
In recent years, because of Internet’s instantaneity and interactivity, platform business models start to spring up. By breaking through the traditional one-way supply chain, platforms try to find the circulation between each type user’s supply and demand of products or services. Platforms model decrease the transaction cost and help many people find the new business.
Take traditional publishing industry for example, for fear of the high fixed cost of books publishing; publishers only publish books by well-known authors or through agents with good reputation. For customers, they can only passively choose from the items supplied. Besides, many potentially brilliant authors may be neglected under this circumstance, because they lack channels to approach the market and audiences. Considering the searching cost and risk, it’s also difficult for publishers to discover these potential creators.
This research will be based on platform strategies and business models, discussing the influence and transformation result from creation communication platforms during digitization process of traditional publishing industry. Furthermore, this research will try to build up a platform business model to make users (including creators, audiences and publisher) profit. At last, this research also covers the copyright issue about creation communication platform, and brings up some advices for platform policies. After all, this research will focus on three questions as below:
1.Influence and transformation result from creation communication platforms during digitization process of traditional publishing industry. 2.Analysis about creation communication platforms’ business models and key factors for making success. 3.Discussion of creation communication platforms’ copyright issues and related business policies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 102364201 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102364201 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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