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    Title: 差異化教學對國中生文法學習之效益
    The Effects of Differentiated Instruction on English Grammar Learning of Junior High School Students
    Authors: 李宜倫
    Lee, Yi Lun
    Contributors: 黃淑真
    Huang, Shu Chen
    Lee, Yi Lun
    Keywords: 差異化教學
    differentiated instruction
    grammar teaching
    flexible grouping
    tiered task
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:43:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討國中英文文法課堂中使用差異化教學之成效,主要的研究目標分別是:(一)差異化教學是否能提升學生的文法學習成效。(二)差異化教學在能提升低中高三組學生的文法學習成效上是否有差異。(三)學生對差異化教學的看法。
    研究結果顯示:(一)接受差異化教學的學生在前後測結果上有顯著性差異(p<.05);(二)進一步針對低、中、高成就組學生進行分析,發現除了低分組在文法測驗選擇題中有顯著的學習進步之外,其他兩組與控制組無明顯差異。(三) 高成就組學生對於差異化教學喜好度比中、低成就組學生低;(四)高成就組學生認為差異化教學材料對他們的幫助程度較低;(五)低成就組學生反應他們的
    This current study investigated the effects of integrating differentiated instruction into grammar teaching in junior high school English classes. The main purposes were to explore whether or not differentiated instruction improved the students` grammar achievements in general, whether students, when divided into, low, intermediate and high proficiency levels, respectively benefited from such instruction on grammar learning, and what students` experiences and thoughts were after receiving differentiated grammar instruction.
    The participants of this quasi-experimental study were 54 seven graders who received differentiated instruction for a total of eleven weeks. The researcher adopted two differentiated instructional strategies, tiered tasks and flexible grouping, to teach grammar. In the warm-up stage, the instructor taught grammar points in the whole class model. After the instruction, low, intermediate and high proficiency learners received different tiered tasks and flexible grouping respectively to do the grammar exercises. Low proficiency learners (LPL) were required to finish multiple choice exercises in small groups, intermediate proficiency learners (IPL) had to complete fill-in exercises in pairs and high proficiency learners (HPL) did the sentence making exercises with picture cues independently.
    Their performance on the pre- and posttest designed by the researcher was analyzed by independent t-test and ANCOVA. Their thoughts about experiencing DI were collected through focus group interviews. And the findings of the study were summarized as follows:
    1. Students in the experimental group outperformed those in the control group significantly (p<.05).
    2. When students in the experimental group were divided into three subgroups, only
    LPL improved their performance on the multiple choice section, and the other two groups showed no significant differences in comparison to their counterparts in the control group.
    3. HPLs` preferences for DI were lower than those of LPL and IPL.
    The learning difficulties of LPL were vocabulary and sentence-making; of IPL were vocabulary, sentence-making, and speaking, and of HPL were reading, speaking, listening and grammar. Both LPL and IPL thought DI was beneficial for them to overcome the learning difficulties
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100951015
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