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    Title: 社會媒體與太陽花學運
    Social Media and the Sunflower Student Movement
    Authors: 凱琳娜
    Böhm, Katharina
    Contributors: 姜家雄
    Chiang, Alex
    Böhm, Katharina
    Keywords: 太陽花學運
    Sunflower Student Movement
    Social Media
    New Media
    Social Movements
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:42:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社交媒體在最近的社會運動中扮演了非常重要的角色,例如阿拉伯
    之春、西班牙的Indignants 抗議運動,以及在北美的佔領華爾街運動,
    與成功的重要因素。除了台灣年輕人常用的Facebook、Line 等社交
    究包含來自Facebook 與PTT 還有「新媒體」的資料,此外,此論文
    Social media plays a crucial role in recent social movements. The Arab
    Spring, the Indignants protest in Spain and the Occupy Wall Street
    movement in North America highlighted the special role of digital social
    media networks and its contribution to the facilitation of protest
    movements. This master thesis examines the role of the social media in the
    “Sunflower Student Movement” in Taiwan. It argues that social media and
    the “new media” have been a crucial factor to the prolongation and success
    of this movement. Besides the high penetration rate of social media, such
    as Facebook and LINE, among young Taiwanese, another important factor
    for protestors to use social media was the mistrust in the traditional
    Taiwanese media. Through the “new media” ordinary citizens could
    become a part of the protest and exert the same influence as the mainstream
    media. The “new media” may pave the way for a more transparent
    democracy in Taiwan and raise more political awareness among the young
    citizens. The research of this thesis includes information collected from
    Facebook and PTT as well as the “new media”. Additionally, interviews
    among participants of the Sunflower Student Movement were conducted
    to assess their use of social media during the movement.
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