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    题名: 第三方支付與跨境支付管理業務的發展及因應策略-以台灣金融業為例
    The Development and Strategies to Cope with Third-Party Payment and Cross-border Payment Managing Services:A Case Study of Financial Industry of Taiwan
    作者: 吳俊德
    贡献者: 黃明聖
    关键词: 第三方支付
    Third-party payment
    Cross-border payment managing service
    日期: 2015
    上传时间: 2015-08-03 13:39:27 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著科技進步,支付工具越來越多元化,第三方支付在中美已發展成熟。面對第三方支付平台的崛起,並由主管機關主導開放非銀行業辦理代收代付及儲值業務。本研究以文獻分析法及制度比較法,從台灣金融業者的角度比較第三方支付中信託及履約保證機制所產生的影響,發現信託較履約保證機制為佳;而就制度而言,我國對第三方支付平台儲值款項在消費者權益保障最為嚴謹。銀行在承擔第三方支付業者倒閉風險的同時,亦可選擇自行發展第三方支付業務。
    As technology advances, payment systems grow diversity. Third-party payment has matured in China and USA. Facing the rise of third-party payment platform, and opening lead by the authority, what stategies should Taiwan`s financial industry choose? The research has analyzed and compared Trust with Escrow in third-party payment, and found that Trust is a better way. As far as legal system is concerned, Taiwan values most on consumer protection. Since banks bear the risk of third-party payment company bankruptcy, they can also choose to develop their own third-party payment services.
    Due to fierce competition in the domestic online market, online shopping companies dedicate to attract Internet users in China. The research has illustrated the development of cross-border payment managing service, and taken E. Sun Bank as an example. The research explored that financial institution and third-party payment company should cooperate rather than competite in the international market. Combined with high-quality manufacturers, Taiwan`s financial institutions and the third-party payment companies could get more profit.
    In addition, third-party payment industry is a highly competitive market, resulting in a competitive relationship with the financial industry . In particular, financial managing and loan services provided by third-party payment are very attractive. However, financial institutions and the third-party payment companies are forced to cooperate because of regulatory requirements and the value added by complement. Financial institutions should evalute carefully. According to the result of present study, it is co-opetition in this relationship.
    To enhance the competitiveness, the research suggests that financial institutions strengthen the ability of e-commerce technology, make good use of the advantages of the branches, pay attention to customer feedback, establish innovative services, and actively seek alliance which makes synergy. On the other hand, the research recommend authority amend law. In order to supervise cross-border transactions and taxation, authority could use cross-border payments managing service.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102921064
    数据类型: thesis
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