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    Title: 企業導入人才發展品質管理系統(TTQS)對人才發展成效的探討
    A Study on The Effect of Talent Quality Management System (TTQS) on Talent Development of Enterprises in Taiwan.
    Authors: 廖庭毅
    Contributors: 成之約
    Keywords: 人才發展品質管理系統
    Talent Quality Management System
    Talent Development
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:35:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 透過本研究瞭解我國的企業導入人才發展品質管理系統(TTQS)之後的概況,進而探討企業導入該系統後對人才發展、建構教育訓練制度、產品銷售及顧客滿意度的成效與影響。本研究以深度訪談的方式與獲得TTQS訓練品質評核系統金、銀牌獎的企業進行訪談,透過訪談能獲得受訪企業對於人才發展品質管理系統(TTQS)的評價與整體施行的成效,並且收集相關文獻資料加以彙整,做出結論完成本研究。
    Respondents give positive assessments for Talent Quality Management System (TTQS) and approve the contributions of TTQS to human resources and talent development. Through the five items of appraisal and indicators which include Plan, Design, Do, Review and Outcome, TTQS help enterprises improve the training systems of organizations, complete records of the training process, implement systematic management, construct complete and systematic training systems , and build platforms for talents for their growth and development. By using TTQS, organizations can not only clearly define the staff competency and skills of jobs, but also combine the vision of organizational development and business objectives to design training programs which strengthen staff’s professions and performances as well as increase sales volume and customer satisfaction. Enterprises use TTQS which can enhance their corporate images. Award-winning enterprises not only are apt to recruit and retain talents, but also have better satisfaction of employees and senior managers with enterprises. Therefore, enterprises approve the functions of TTQS.
    TTQS divides the awards into gold-medal and silver-medal winners. Gold-medal winners are superior to silver-medal winners in talent development, sales and services of products, training system, and the overall evaluation of business. Recruiting is the only item which gold and silver medal winners have the same performance. The excellence of gold-medal winners shows that enterprises follow the indications and manual instruments in the training process can enhance assessment scores and have better performances of training. Furthermore, the achievements will be more outstanding and fit the expectations of talents and enterprises.
    There is no evident difference between talents’ development, sales and services of products, educational training system, and overall evaluation of service industry and manufacturing industry after they imported TTQS. By using TTQS, both industries improve their training systems. There is few differences between the results of their performances of training. Both industries approve TTQS certainly have contributions on training system and talent development.
    By using TTQS, enterprises can achieve the goal of educational training, strengthen employees’ competency and skills, enhance corporate competitiveness, as well as build and improve systematic training systems of talents development. Regardless of the fields and industries, as enterprises follow the training quality management loops, implement the content of performance indicators, and keep the entire records of the training process, they can effectively improve the quality and efficiency of training.
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    二、 網路資訊
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    4. 國家人力創新獎官方網站,http://hrdinnoprize.wda.gov.tw/index.asp
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102262015
    Data Type: thesis
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