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    Title: 我國大學生校外打工問題與對策之研究
    A Study on the Issues and Counter Measurement of the Working outside the Campus of College Students in Taiwan
    Authors: 吳佳蓁
    Wu, Chia Chen
    Contributors: 張其恆
    Chang, Chi Heng
    Wu, Chia Chen
    Keywords: 大學生
    college students
    part-time job
    career development
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:35:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究希望了解大學生選擇校外打工的因素,探究大學生校外打工存在哪些問題與現象,而大學時期的打工經驗對於往後職涯發展又將產生哪些影響,並試圖擬出相關對策。綜觀國內針對大學生打工的研究,多數採量化研究,且著重於參與動機、實習經驗、工作價值觀、消費決策及對就業力的影響等,對於大學生校外打工的問題與影響鮮少著墨。
    This study aims to analyze the factors that let students choose to work outside the campus, research the issues and phenomenon related to working outside of the campus of college students, find the effects on the future career development of the part-time job experience in university, and try to formulate countermeasures. Most of the previous studies of working out-of-school of college students adopted quantitative method to research, and those studies emphasize on participation motivation, internship experience, work values, decision-making of consuming and the impact on employability, etc. However, the issues and influence of working out-of-school of college students were rarely researched in the past.
    Therefore, this study adopts qualitative research method of depth interview to interview eight college students who had continued to work for six months or more during the semesters and six workers who had ever worked for six months or more when they were at university. This study analyzes the issues and impact of part-time job in the period of university and the future career through interviewer’s work experiences, and this study hope to find solutions for the phenomenon.
    According to this study, the significant findings are shown as the following: (a) the main factor that college students work out-of-school is still economy; (b) increasing the work experiences which benefit to future career; (c) learning social skills; (d) being influenced by peers. Furthermore, a new way to work outside the campus-working holiday, rising in recent years, can both work and travel and cultivates international perspective. Working holiday also becomes one of the college students’ choices of working outside the campus.
    The main issues of college students working out-of-school include the balance between part-time job and schoolwork, the disorder in rest and eating habits, and labor rights infringed. In addition, the meaning and effect for the future career developments contains as the following: (a) the part-time job experiences and academic proficiency not link deeply; (b) to confirm the future career direction; (c) work experiences in university are not useful for work content now. Consequently, this study proposes based on the results for government, universities, employers as well as future research for university students’ reference to part-time jobs researchers, hoping to improve the issues of college students working out-of-school so that students can both balance working and academic proficiency, avoiding labor rights being infringed, highlighting the significance of working out-of-school, indeed achieving the efficacy of connecting to career and confirming the future career planning.
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