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    Title: 櫥窗網站的視覺介面設計特色與使用者滿意度:使用者體驗的中介影響
    Promotion Website Visual Interface Design Features and User Satisfaction: Mediating Effect of User Experiences
    Authors: 陳冠伶
    Chen, Guan ling
    Contributors: 蔡瑞煌

    Tsaih, Rua huan
    Han, Tzu Shian

    Chen, Guan ling
    Keywords: VisAWI
    iPalace Channel
    promotion website
    iPalace Channel
    aesthetic design
    user experience
    user satisfaction
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:20:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在這個資訊大爆炸的時代,想要讓人們認識你就需要推廣你自己或你的商品。櫥窗展示便是一種常見的推廣方式。而在這樣大量的推廣需求及網路發達時代,櫥窗網站也應運而生。在這篇文研究中,櫥窗網站指的是以推廣自己為目標的網站。時代的潮流下,每種應用都愈來愈注重它的體驗。而使用者體驗應用在網站領域上,越來越多研究與將其與使用者介面的美感做連結。
    基於以上,此篇研究將範圍縮小,希望以臺北故宮的櫥窗網站iPalace Channel為例子,目標是探討櫥窗網站視覺介面設計特色(美感與故事性)的使用者體驗及使用者滿意度。透過三種不同的iPalace Channel視覺介面設計,分為高、中、低程度的故事性與美感,比較三者不同的使用者體驗與使用者滿意度。最後在以問卷的方式做調查,而問卷統計結果是在櫥窗網站這個範疇下,高度美感與故事性的視覺介面相較於中度及低度的美感與故事性會得到最好的使用者體驗(美感、教育及娛樂的體驗)與滿意度。
    In the age of information explosion, promotion is one way to let people know you. And window displays is a way to promotion. Under the huge demand of promotion and Internet generalization, promotion website gradually emerge as the times require. Promotion website is just like window display. Hereby, the promotion website is a kind of website aimed to promote something. As the trend of our times, experience is more and more important in every application. And apply in the website domain, many researches connect user experience and aesthetic user interface.
    Base on previous mention, this study narrow down the scope, taking iPalace Channel, a promotion website of National Palace Museum (NPM), for example. This study aims to explore different aesthetic and storytelling levels of visual interfaces affect user experiences and user satisfaction on promotion website. Through questionnaire survey and compare three different visual interface designs to get the result. The result of this study find that for promotion website, High aesthetic and storytelling truly get best user experiences and user satisfaction.
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