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    Title: 創業管理影響高科技新事業核心能耐形成之研究 - 以群聯電子公司為例
    Influence of New Venture Management on Core Competences Formation of High Tech Companies - A Case Study of Phison Electronics
    Authors: 萬惠棻
    Wang, Huei Feng
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng Shang
    Wang, Huei Feng
    Keywords: 創業管理
    New Venture Management
    Stages of Growth
    Intellectual Capital
    Core Competence
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:19:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   科技的變遷常因新產品或新服務的出現,創造出全新的商業機會及市場,因此容易吸引創業家的加入。此階段通常代表產業位於萌芽期或新興期,是新事業較有機會成功的時期。不過,因預期市場的成長性高,相對來說競爭的對象也非常多。新事業必須發展出獨特的競爭優勢,才能在這樣的環境中存活下來。
      因此,為探討新事業的創業管理與其核心能耐間的關聯性,本研究希望藉由研究結果回答三點研究問題:(1) 創業家在創業階段應注意哪些管理上的事項?(2) 新事業的核心能耐如何發展而得?(3) 創業家的創業管理決策是否影響新事業核心能耐的形成?
    Technological changes often generate new products or services, and create new business opportunities and markets that attract entrepreneurs. This phenomenon tends to occur at the budding or emerging stage of an industry, where new ventures have a better chance to survive. Since the market has potential high growth, one can expect there would be many contestants competing in it. New ventures must develop a sustaining competitive advantage to succeed in such a perilous environment.
    For a company, its competitive advantages normally come from its core competences, which were accumulated over time. Depending on the nature of the company, its core competence could be developed from its core resources or intellectual capitals. Studies on core competence conducted by local researchers mostly focused on identifying the core competence of a particular industry, based on the existing core resources of well-established companies. So far, no study had been found that explored the relevance of a company’s core competence formation and its management processes during the start-up stage.
    In order to understand if the managerial decisions undertaken during start-up stage have any effect on a company’s core competence accumulated, we’d like to use our research results to answer the following 3 questions: (1) What are the key management guidelines an entrepreneur should pay attentions to during the start-up stage of a new venture? (2) How are the core competences developed by a new venture? (3) If the decisions made by an entrepreneur during the start-up stage have any effect on the core competences a new venture develops?
    In this study, we chose an IC design house – Phison Electronics, as our study case. From the case interview and secondary data collected, we tried to reproduce the management processes in Phison’s start-up stage; then identified the core competences accumulated from the intellectual capitals in each growth stage; finally, by inspecting the results summarized above, we would determine if the core competences of Phison could be traced back to its managerial decisions made at start-up stage. Our preliminary conclusions are as follows:
    1.The entrepreneurs need to think stage-wise of their new ventures, and define the corporate goals and resources required for each stage of growth, then make adjustments accordingly.
    2.Different aspects of a new venture’s intellectual capitals would influence each other’s developments. Entrepreneurs need to maintain a balanced intellectual capital composition within the company to facilitate the formation of the new venture’s competitive advantage.
    3.The management decisions entrepreneurs made in start-up stage would affect the development of intellectual capitals in later stages, thereby affecting the accumulation of core competences.
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    1. 群聯電子公司網站http://www.phison.com
    2. 群聯電子公司93年~99年年報
    3. 群聯電子公司91年~99年財報
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096359034
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理研究所] 學位論文

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