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    Title: 管理階層能力與企業社會責任績效之關聯性
    The Relationship between Managerial Ability and Corporate Social Performance
    Authors: 彭珮欣
    Peng, Pei Hsin
    Contributors: 金成隆
    Peng, Pei Hsin
    Keywords: 管理階層能力
    Managerial ability
    Corporate Social Responsibility
    Corporate Social Performance
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:17:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來台灣企業爆發許多食安及環境保護問題,引起社會大眾對企業的倫理行為產生高度的關切,使得政府、企業及社會也越來越重視企業社會責任相關議題,因此如何將公司與永續經營策略結合,是高階管理階層所面臨的重要課題。本研究以台灣上市櫃公司為樣本,旨在探討管理階層能力是否會影響企業社會責任之揭露及執行程度。本研究推論管理階層決定企業策略方針、管理制度及組織文化,而較有能力之管理階層較能宏觀全球趨勢,並在永續經營理念下,採行較高程度之社會責任行動。本研究之管理階層能力採用Demerjian et al.(2013)的衡量方式,以資料包絡分析法(DEA)來計算各產業下的公司效率並區分出管理階層所創造之經營效率。實證結果顯示:管理階層能力愈好,愈會揭露企業社會責任資訊,且執行企業社會責任的程度亦較高,符合本研究之推論。
    A series of food safety and environmental incidents in recent years in Taiwan had intrigued public concern about ethical activities of company. Aware of the influence of these activities on society, the government, corporates and society have further increased their attention to corporate social responsibility (CSR).
    Therefore, the lesson managers have to learn is to formulate corporate strategies aligned with sustainability principles. The objective of this thesis is to explore whether managerial ability is associated with CSR among Taiwan listed firms. We assume that managers are usually empowered with the authority to decide corporate strategies, policies and culture; therefore, more able managers are more knowledgeable of macro-economic trends and tend to engage more in CSR with
    sustainability goals. With respect to the measurement of managerial ability, we follow Demerjian et al.(2013), who conduct data envelopment analysis (DEA) to estimate firm efficiency and purge key firm-specific characteristics. The empirical results reveal that the higher quality managers are willing to disclose more information of CSR and in turn positively affects firm’s corporate social
    performance in accordance with our assumption.
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