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Title: | 年輕女性臉書打游擊:從「監視」到「不禮貌」的回防攻略分析 Young Women’s Guerrilla Warfare on Facebook: An Analysis of Tactics for Coping with Surveillance |
Authors: | 周宜儒 |
Contributors: | 方念萱 周宜儒 |
Keywords: | 臉書 年輕女性 權力 監視 不禮貌 策略 Facebook young women power surveillance impoliteness tactics |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-03 13:12:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近幾年隨著臉書的盛行,臉書已成為台灣年輕女性最常使用的社交工具之一。臉書雖提供了人們新的互動方式,但互動中所蘊藏的權力關係,嚴重干擾年輕女性的臉書行動。本研究將有權者的權力干擾分成兩個部分,一是具體的侵擾行徑,可用「不禮貌行為」概稱之;二是無言的監看視線。 年輕女性使用臉書的主要目的為社交互動,因此她們在面對權力的侵擾、監看時,難以直率回應。不過,縱然年輕女性作為權力的弱者,但依de Certeau之言,她們仍具有「微顛覆」的可能,透過經營空間的策略與能力,與有權者斡旋,改變自身在臉書上的處境。 本研究以深度訪談法探索年輕女性在臉書上的生活經驗。研究結果顯示,線下倫理關係所賦予的權威並未因臉書而消散,也因此,年輕女性口中的有權者多是母親等線下權威者。有權者的權力施作主要展現在臉書自主的干涉,不論貼文的內容、臉書的互動氛圍,甚至線上的相處禮節等,有權者皆反客為主,主控了年輕女性的臉書。另外臉書機制雖企圖以「友」重新定義雙方關係,但是有權者的規訓懲罰,使得觀看視線不再單純揉雜了權力意涵。加上臉書縱向時間軸的排序、社交網絡的串聯,監看容易施行,讓年輕女性對於有權者的觀看視線充滿畏懼,是以為「監視」。 年輕女性為了對抗臉書上屢可互動、觀看的相處模式,採取了各種遁逃策略以拉出彼此合適的互動距離。例如,年輕女性憑藉自身科技素養,把自己安放在instagram等相對安全的網路空間;或者運用臉書的主人地位,劃定雙方的互動文化,而可短暫地隔開有權者。甚至翻轉臉書機制的意義,把「臉友」等臉書特色轉變成對自身有利的元素。雖然年輕女性的策略無法永久有效,但她們運用手邊籌碼配以機動的游擊策略,反制了權力壓迫,讓自身有空間得以短暫安存。 Facebook is one of the most popular social tools among Taiwanese women these years. Facebook provides a new way of interaction, yet the hidden power relation has seriously hindered young women`s Facebook use. This research studies the hindrance from the point of view of “impoliteness” and “silent surveillance.” Socializing is the main purpose for young women using Facebook, however, their seniors interact with them in the way scripted based on the norm offline. Young women are expected to respond accordingly, but they try hard to reclaim their sovereignty online. Following the concepts developed by de Certeau, the research found that young women still possess the capability of “micro-subversive” to change their situation on Facebook and to settle with the seniors by managing their Facebook pages strategically. In-depth interview is conducted to collect and gauge young women’s life experience on Facebook. The result shows that the legitimacy rooted in offline relationship-defined obligations does not melt away on Facebook. Hence, parents of young female users (most of the time, mothers are the ones who frequently “check" daughters` Facebook pages.) are likely to exert power to impose their ideas on young women’s Facebook. For example, these seniors may want to interfere young women` posts or the interaction with peers on the wall. The Facebook mechanism helps to put a facade on the heterogeneous relationships online. Facebook system defines the relationship online as “friends” by default, however, the relationship-defined obligations offline permeated Facebook, and young women are frightened of the seniors’ check-on. Instead of friending with them, the seniors act upon young women’s moves online and they are just like surveillance. To oppose frequent interaction and intensive check-on on Facebook, young women adopt various tactics to distance the seniors online. For instance, young women utilize their computer skills to put themselves in other relatively safe online space, such as Instagram; or to set boundaries in Facebook relationships to keep the seniors away. Although these tactics are not in effect permanently, those bargaining chips on hand along with flexible guerrilla warfare tactics are able to counter the imposing power relationship and therefore, young women can thus reclaim their ownership of their Facebook pages. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 新聞研究所 100451022 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1004510221 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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