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    Title: 界定日語中的分類詞
    Identifying classifiers in Japanese
    Authors: 王維
    Wang, Wei
    Contributors: 何萬順
    Her, One Soon
    Wang, Wei
    Keywords: 分類詞
    measure word
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:11:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 日文與中文一樣,皆是使用分類詞的語言。長久以來不乏學者討論日文的量詞,然而,對於界定何者為分類詞、如何區分助數詞、量詞和分類詞等議題,卻缺少統一的定論;一方面是因為語言學上對於分類詞的定義缺乏一定的標準,另一方面,傳統日文文法書中的概念,往往僅用「助數詞」一個詞類就概括了所有數量詞後面的詞類。
    本篇論文最主要的目標便是依照一個統一且清楚的定義,來界定日文的分類詞。此次研究先參考了四位語言學者的研究,和四本文法書中的分類詞列表,共整理出前人所列出673個可能的分類詞,之後再透過JpWac和Google Search蒐羅實際語料,對這673個詞逐一進行句法和語意測試,最後界定出其中只有115個是真正的日文分類詞。
    Japanese is one of the languages that use numeral classifiers, which can be combined with both numerals and nouns. However, Japanese grammar books tend to use “counters” to call all morphemes preceded by numerals, and in linguistic studies, the definition of numeral classifiers is controversial. Therefore, there is no consistent analysis in identifying Japanese classifiers.
    The goal of this thesis is to identify Japanese classifiers based on one consistent model. Eight previous works from both traditional grammar and linguistic areas were reviewed, and 673 possible classifiers were collected. Each of the 673 possible classifiers is tested to identify true Japanese classifiers. Two corpora, JpWac and Google Search, are used to collect raw data for syntactic and semantic tests. As a result, only 115 true Japanese classifiers are found.
    After identifying the true classifiers, a bottom-up classification is performed to understand the concept of noun categorization by native Japanese speakers. A questionnaire is created to evaluate the usage frequencies of these true classifiers. Based on the survey, only 27 out of the 115 classifiers are estimated to be frequently used classifiers.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0985550101
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