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    Title: 台灣英文教師對文法教學信念與實踐之差異研究
    A Taiwanese Teacher`s Tensions between Grammar Teaching Beliefs and Practices
    Authors: 林珊琪
    Lin, Shan Chi
    Contributors: 余明忠
    Yu, Ming Chung
    Lin, Shan Chi
    Keywords: 信念
    grammar teaching
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:11:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本個案研究旨在深入研究一位國中英文教師在文法教學信念與實際教學之間的差異之處。本研究以Green (1971) 所提出的core belief和peripheral belief為基本架構,採用質性之資料收集及分析方式,以期對教師的教學信念、教學行為及兩者之間的不一致做出較詳盡的描繪及討論。參與本研究的教師為一位新北市公立國中的資深英文教師,對文法教學及英語教育有自己的一套理解及看法,備受同校老師的尊重。資料收集方式以課堂錄音觀察、半結構式訪談為主,教師的教學資料、自編的段考考卷、校內英文老師的領域會議紀錄為輔。
    研究結果顯示,此教師的文法教學信念和行為的確有些許落差,主要反映在課外英語學習資源的使用、文法教學所佔的比重、以及文法術語的使用頻率上。造成此落差的原因主要是教師的core beliefs和peripheral beliefs內容的不一致,導致在教學現場上大部分的時間都用來完成core beliefs,因此peripheral beliefs的實施時間便受到壓縮了。此外研究者還發現,這位老師的core beliefs主要以較傳統、較常見的知識傳輸模式為主,而peripheral beliefs則是和英語教學理念較有直接相關,這部分呼應了Phipps and Borg (2009)所提出的假設,且此一現象是在教師信念的文獻中較少被提到的。根據這些發現,本研究提出對教師文法教學信念及實踐之差異的看法及未來研究的建議,以期對台灣的英語文法教學能有更多建設性的研究貢獻。
    The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the tensions between an English teacher’s grammar teaching beliefs and practices. The participant was an experienced junior high school English teacher who had her own principles in grammar teaching and English education. Green’s (1971) distinction of core beliefs and peripheral beliefs was adopted as the framework to analyze the participant’s grammar teaching beliefs. Data were collected from multiple sources such as semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, stimulated recall interviews, and documents such as the teacher’s teaching notes and test paper. By using initial coding and second level coding, these data were carefully examined to obtain the most salient themes of the participant’s grammar teaching tensions.
    The findings revealed three most significant tensions between the participant’s grammar teaching beliefs and practices: tension on the use of extracurricular teaching resources, on the proportion of grammar instruction, and on the use of grammatical terminology. The participant’s tensions were mainly due to the inharmonious relationship between core beliefs and peripheral beliefs. The former were more related to teaching philosophy in general, and the latter were more related to English teaching itself. In other words, the tensions between participant’s beliefs and practices were actually the gaps between knowledge transmission perspective and ideal English teaching principles. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions and pedagogical implications were raised for future research as well as English education field in Taiwan.
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