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    Title: 台灣與印尼雙邊跨境移工政策:以在台逃逸印尼勞工為例
    Coordinating Migrant Labor Policy between Taipei and Jakarta: The Case of Runaway Indonesian Workers
    Authors: 范安曼
    Faustina, Anselma
    Contributors: 陳至潔
    Chen, Titus
    Faustina, Anselma
    Keywords: 外國勞工
    Foreign Workers
    Runaway Indonesian Workers
    Taiwanese Guest Worker Policy
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-07-27 11:37:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於印尼為世界上人口最多的國家之一,因此憑藉著此一優勢印尼成為了勞工輸出大國,但是非常多的印尼勞工在外國工作時面臨虐待,因而產生了不少問題,另一方面,台灣是印尼勞工們選擇工作的優先地,主要原因有三個,第一為較高的薪水,第二為較好的生活品質及良好的工作環境,第三不公平對待相較於他國較少發生,儘管如此台灣政府仍面臨著管理外籍勞工的問題,特別是逃逸的外籍勞工的問題,而在台灣的逃逸外勞比例中,印尼勞工占了最高比例。


    As one of the most populous country in the world, Indonesia’s predominance is sending its human resources to work abroad. However, many Indonesian overseas workers encounter mistreatment during their work time which leads to several arising problems. On the other hand, Taiwan has become one of the preferred destination countries due to three reasons; higher salary, better living and working conditions, and low mistreatment cases compare to other destination countries. Despite that, Taiwan government still encounters issues in managing foreign workers. Runaway foreign worker is a major issue in Taiwan’s labor market and Indonesian workers are accounted as the highest runaway foreign workers in Taiwan.

    Previous researches have been conducted to analyze the phenomenon of runaway foreign workers in Taiwan and most of them addressed Taiwanese guest worker policy as the major reason. Research on runaway Indonesian workers in particular is very limited as most of the existing researches focused on Filipinas workers.

    Taking into account that foreign workers issue is a multi-faceted phenomenon which involves various actors, this thesis acknowledges the roles and policies from both sending and host states. Therefore this thesis delivers two arguments. First, Taiwan’s guest worker policy has put excessive burden on Indonesian workers as Taiwan employs highly restrictive policy towards foreign workers. Second, Indonesia and Taiwan’s ineffective cooperation is unable to address the existing runaway Indonesian workers issue as it emphasizes more on scratching the surface than dealing with the root causes. These two variables have inadvertently contributed to the high number of runaway Indonesian workers. In addition, this thesis also delivers a clear labor policy development in Indonesian and Taiwan government to understand each institution’s in-take related to labor issues. In order to provide comprehensive findings, this thesis conducts survey with the Indonesian runaway workers in Detention Center, interview with the runaway Indonesian workers in shelters, and focus group studies with Indonesian and Taiwanese experts who are dealing with such phenomenon. The analysis is drawn from the results of survey and interview, and then is connected to the current Indonesian and Taiwanese policies and cooperation in addressing particular issue.
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