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    Title: 捷克同性戀權利之研究
    A Study of Homosexual Rights in the Czech Republic
    Authors: 歐陽萱
    Ou Yang, Hsuan
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Lin, Yung Fang
    Ou Yang, Hsuan
    Keywords: 後共地區國家
    Post-communism Countries
    Act of Registered Partnership
    Act of Anti-discrimination
    Pride Parade
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-07-27 11:35:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文旨在研究捷克同性戀人權之進程,同時,檢視自共黨時期迄今,其同性戀之權利的發展與困境。透過討論較大範圍的同性戀人權,逐漸聚焦於捷克同性戀人權的現況與限制。而又因《國際人權法》和《歐洲人權公約》兩國際建制與規範的影響下,更進一步的提升捷克同性戀權利,亦促成捷克不斷對於其國內法規的修改,使之同性戀人權更為完善。另一方面,本文藉由同性戀之相關倡議團體和藝文活動,探討其背後所倡議的目的,同時,亦瞭解同性戀群體和社會大眾之間的關係。
    The aim of the context is studying the proceeding of homosexual rights in Czech Republic. Meanwhile, examines the development and dilemma of homosexual rights since the communism period to nowadays in Czech. Then it discusses the current status via wide range of modern homosexual rights and gradually focuses on the status quo and restrictions of Czech Republic. Due to the influence of international regimes called “International Human Rights Law” and “European Convention for Human Rights”, to further enhance the homosexual rights in Czech Republic. These international regimes not only contribute to amend the domestic legislation continually, but also try to enacting and improving the regulations of homosexual rights in Czech Republic. On the other side, this article refers to advocacy groups, arts and activities which relates to homosexuality. Besides, attempt to explore the purposes behind initiatives and to understand the relationship between homosexuality and general public.
    This study found that there are two reasons which the development of homosexual rights in Czech are much more inclusive and open. First, the transition of politics and economics are strongly successful. Not only accept the international regimes related to human rights, but certainly the core spirit of the “human rights”. Second, the Czech domestic advocacy groups and events are utterly dynamic and positive. In order to practice the value of multiculturalism constantly and gradually is via various seminars, publications or cultural events.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101263006
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[俄羅斯研究所] 學位論文

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