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Title: | 性交易少女離開安置機構後的生活事件、社會支持網絡與社會適應之研究-後續生活狀態之初探 A Study on the Life Events, Social Supportive Network, and Social Adjustment of |
Authors: | 周臻蔆 Chou, Chen Ling |
Contributors: | 宋麗玉 Song, Li Yu 周臻蔆 Chou, Chen Ling |
Keywords: | 性交易少女 安置機構 生活事件 社會支持網絡 社會適應 teen prostitute the institution of protection life event social supportive network social adjustment |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-27 11:34:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究之主要目的在探討:(一)性交易少女離開安置機構後的後續生活狀態與適應歷程;(二)後續生活狀態中的生活事件、社會支持網絡內涵如何影響社會適應歷程。藉由受訪者敘述其離開安置機構後的生活事件,以了解其生活事件、社會支持網絡與社會適應所產生的差異與影響。研究中以質化之深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,共計九位受訪。研究對象的選取含括兩種途徑:(一)為研究者個人的社會網絡;(二) 透過受訪個案引薦以滾雪球方式尋找其他合適且願意的受訪對象。本研究結果歸納為以下重點: 一、進入安置機構前後的生活事件呈現出受訪者的成長背景與生活經驗,包括進入安置機構前的家庭重大事件、個人創傷事件、負向校園事件、性交易事件、機構安置事件,以及進入安置機構後的正向與負向事件。而離開安置機構後的生活事件分為日常生活事件及重大生活事件。日常生活事件包括家人相處、同儕相處、感情/婚姻生活、工作經驗及狀況、學習與考試及生涯規劃;重大生活事件包括學業挫敗與轉換、家庭危機、重要關係中斷、暴力傷害及結婚生育。
六、影響性交易少女離開安置機構後社會適應的因素,主要分為三大層面:個人 (自主性、社會性、場域控制、情緒)、人際(歸屬感、連結感、繫屬感) 與環境(生活模式、工作狀態),而三者間具有循環與交互影響的作用。
七、 依受訪者之社會適應型態區分為四大取向,分別為「茫然徬徨尋目標取向」、 「存心忍耐奔目標取向」、「知足了然守目標取向」、「為母則強保目標取向」。
根據研究發現,研究者提出幾點建議(一)政策規劃面-建置家庭服務,整合各資源系統,以促進家庭功能的維護及支持性,並充權和提升家庭親職功能;(二)實務工作面-重視保護因子的培育工作,包括強化受訪者足以對抗逆境的各種能力優先於教育成就的提昇;以及加強受訪者主動向各層級的環境系統協商以取得互惠關係的能力。本研究結果分析與研究限制皆於文中提出說明,提供未來相關研究與實務之參考。 This study is aimed at discussing, first of all, the life and adjustment process of teen prostitutes after leaving the institution of protection, and secondly, how the life events afterwards and social supportive network impact their process of social adjustment. By interviewing with nine subjects, the study is able to comprehend the difference and influence generated by their life events, the social supportive network, and their social adjustment. It adopts qualitative in-depth interviews to accumulate necessary information. The study subjects are selected based on two approaches: firstly, the researcher’s personal social network, and secondly, potentially suitable and willing interviewees suggested by the subjects. This study concludes its findings as follows: I. The life events of study subjects constitute their background and living experience. For instance, the events prior to and during being accepted by the institution of protection may include major family incidents, personal trauma, negative school events, sex trade, being housed, and the positive and negative events happening within the institution. The life events afterwards may be divided into daily life events and major incidents. The former includes the relationships with family members and peers, love life and marriage, working experience, school study and career plans, while the latter includes school failure and transfer, family crisis, the disruption of important relationships, violence, marriage, and raising children.
II. The study subjects may address their life events actively and negatively. Their active reactions include evaluation and planning, taking actions to tackle issues, self-adjustment and change, and asking outside resources for help. On the other hand, their negative reactions may include procrastination, release emotions, looking for distractions, and keeping a negative and pessimistic attitude.
III. As for the informal social supportive network, it includes expressive support and instrumental support. The extent of support lies in the interaction between study subjects and the network and it may present two aspects: the network meets the needs of study subjects actively or it responds to their needs passively.
IV. How a subject reacts to her life events may indicate how well she adjusts to the society. For example, if the subject has better self-acceptance, she will be more likely to have a rather consistent inner self relationship. In this case, she can have better social adjustment in terms of “acceptance of current situations” and “finding a common ground with important people.” Though this type of subjects would take active actions in these two prospects, there are still some trying to avoid them. On the other hand, if the subject is not pleased with their lives (but acceptable) and the current situations, she will have inconsistent inner self and poor social adjustment. Though this type of subjects would have mostly passive attitude, some of them still try to take active actions to address issues.
V. The interaction between a subject and her social supportive network also plays a part in the subject’s social adjustment. If the subject feels a sense of belonging (with the community), a sense of connection (with the social network), and a sense of love (with her partner), she will have better social adjustment. Though the subjects seem to perceive expressive support more than instrumental support in both “the sense of connection” and “the sense of love,” how secure they feel of the two varies. The subjects feel more secure in the instrumental support of the sense of connection, while the expressive support of the sense of love provides them with better a sense of security.
VI. Elements affecting teen prostitutes’ social adjustment after leaving the institution may be divided into three aspects: individual (autonomy, society, field control, and emotions), interpersonal relationship (the sense of belonging, connection, and love), and the environment (lifestyle and working situation). The three forms a cycle and interacts with one another.
VII. The social adjustment type of subjects can be divided into four orientations: indecisive (searching for goals), patient (pursuing the goals), content (upholding the goals), and protective (ensuring the goals).
Based on the study results, it proposes several suggestions: first of all, the government is advised to provide comprehensive family services and integrate all resources to strengthen the functions and support of families and improve the parenting functions. Secondly, the subjects are advised to develop various abilities to confront difficult situations. This would be more important than increasing their academic performance. Moreover, the subjects are advised to negotiate with their environments of all levels actively to gain a mutual benefit relation. The explicit study results are stated in the text. It may serve as a reference for relevant future studies and practices. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會工作研究所 98264006 |
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