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    Title: 中國省市環保支出對空氣品質的影響-基於空間計量分析
    The Effect of Environmental Expenditure on Air Quality in China -An Application of Spatial Panel Model
    Authors: 陳芃如
    Chen, Peng Ru
    Contributors: 黃智聰
    Chen, Peng Ru
    Keywords: 環境保護支出
    Environmental Expenditure
    Environmental Kuznets curve
    Spatial Durbin Model
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-07-27 11:34:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2007 年中國首度將環境保護列為類級預算科目—「211環境保護」,在之後 5 年各省的環保支出都呈上升趨勢,相對規模卻沒有明顯的成長,本研究立基於環境顧志耐曲線 (Environmental Kuznets curve,EKC ) 的概念—環境汙染會隨著經濟發展增加,當達到某個經濟水準時,經濟成長轉而提升環境品質—放入環保支出等變數,欲知政府的環保支出對二氧化硫排放的影響,並檢驗二氧化硫排放是否符合 EKC 的倒 U 型假說。
    中國 EKC 的研究多忽略空氣汙染具備空間相關的可能性,即便使用空間計量分析,也鮮少考慮空間杜賓模型 (Spatial Durbin Model,SDM),別於過去文獻,本研究使用 2008 年至 2012 年中國 30 個省市的追蹤資料,採用空間杜賓模型進行實證分析。研究結果顯示中國省市的二氧化硫排放具有正的空間自我相關 (spatial autocorrelation),並符合 EKC 假說,而本文關注的政府環保支出,確實能降低二氧化硫排放,並具有跨區的影響力,故建議中國政府提高環保支出佔總財政支出的比重,善用其解決本地與跨區的二氧化硫汙染。
    除了環保支出與經濟發展,中國北方的冬季供暖政策也是本研究的重要變數,實證結果顯示其對二氧化硫具有正向影響,其他變數諸如外貿開放、人口密度、私部門的環保投資與高等教育,就 SDM 的總效果而言,均無顯著且穩定的影響。
    In 2007, China first established a budgetary accounting item comprising all environmental protection expenses. The aim of this thesis is to research the relationship between fiscal expenditure on environmental protection and air pollution in China based on Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis, using Chinese provincial data over 2008–2012. Being different from the EKC research in the past, this study applies a spatial econometric models, namely Spatial Durbin Model (SDM) to control for spatial effects, and utilizes other variables to analyze sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions in China.
    Empirical results show that SO2-GDP relation is inverted U-shaped, and environmental expenditure from provincial government reduces SO2 emissions. There is something noteworthy that both the SO2 emissions and regional environmental expenditure can effect the SO2 emissions in the neighborhood. Due to the spillover of the air pollution and environmental expenditure, the study suggests that P.R.C. government enhance the efficacy of the environmental expenditure and apply the cross-provincial policy to reduce SO2 emissions.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102255003
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