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    题名: 低碳都市評估及其空間結構之分析
    Evaluating the Efficiency of Low-Carbon City and Analyzing the Effects of Spatial Structure on Carbon Emissions
    作者: 沈育生
    Shen, Yu Sheng
    贡献者: 劉小蘭
    Liu, Hsiao Lan
    Shen, Yu Sheng
    关键词: 低碳都市
    Low-Carbon City
    Indicator System
    Low-Carbon Efficiency
    Low-Carbon Policies
    Spatial Structure
    Carbon Emissions
    日期: 2015
    上传时间: 2015-07-27 11:32:25 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 都市CO2的過量排放,是造成全球氣候暖化與環境變異的主因之一。低碳都市的發展成為目前永續發展的核心議題,亦是抑制氣候暖化的關鍵。低碳都市的概念,包括空間和非空間維度。空間維度探討了都市型態、土地利用與運輸系統,非空間維度則著眼於經濟、能源使用和節能產品。然而過去低碳方面的研究,多聚焦於非空間維度之探討上,甚少關注空間維度面向,但面對全球氣候暖化與低碳發展,都市不僅可落實低碳發展政策,其規劃更在低碳都市的建設與發展過程中扮演關鍵角色。因此,本研究依循「全球考量,在地行動」之概念及方式,以低碳都市為主軸,並以空間規劃及環境經濟之角度切入,針對低碳都市衡量指標建構及分析、縣市低碳效率評估及低碳政策影響效果之探討、都市發展及空間結構與碳量間關係之探討等三項研究主題,進行實證分析與探討,企圖補強低碳都市在空間維度之論述,使都市的低碳化有所依循,亦使都市能藉此更達低碳與永續之目標。
    而在「縣市低碳發展效率評估及低碳政策影響效果之探討」主題上,以台灣各縣市作為實證案例,在考量非意欲產出下(碳排放威脅、環境污染衝擊),透過DEA中的不良產出模型(Bad Outputs Model)評估縣市低碳發展效率,並藉由Tobit模型,釐清低碳政策對縣市低碳發展效率之影響效果。依據不良產出模型之效率評估結果,顯示臺北市、新竹市、臺東縣、花蓮縣在低碳發展效率上相對具有效率,且已達最適規模水準;而高雄縣是目前亟待改善的首要縣市。此外,藉由Tobit模式的實證分析,其結果顯示工廠家數、資源回收量、市區公車系統路線總長、具綠建築標章的建物數、綠地面積等變數,對縣市低碳發展效率有顯著影響,其中,除工廠家數對縣市低碳發展效率有負向影響外,其餘變數皆呈正向影響效果。而由此亦得知產業結構、資源循環利用、低碳運輸、低碳建築、碳匯規劃等低碳政策,對於縣市低碳發展效率是顯著有效的。
    Excessive CO2 emission is one of the main causes of causing global warming and climate change. Therefore, low-carbon urban development is currently the core issue in sustainable development, and it is also the key to curb climate warming. The concept of the low-carbon city includes spatial dimension and non-spatial dimension. The former contains the issues of urban form, transportation system, and land use planning, the latter contains the issues of economy, energy consuming, and energy saving product. The spatial dimension plays the important role in the construction and development of the low-carbon city, but only the few studies focused on. Therefore, this paper takes the spatial dimension of the low-carbon city as the main scope, and discusses the topics of “research on low-carbon city indicator system”, “evaluating the low-carbon efficiency of city and analyzing its influential policies”, and “the effects of urban development and spatial structure on carbon emissions”.
    In the topics of “research on low-carbon city indicator system”, this paper takes cities and counties of Taiwan as the empirical cases, and uses factor analysis to establish the appropriate low-carbon city indicator system for Taiwan. Furthermore, this paper evaluates the cities`/counties` status of low-carbon developments by this low-carbon city indicator system. According to the empirical results, there are four evaluating aspects of the low-carbon city: 1) environmental quality and resource consumption, 2) economy and construction, 3) finance and resource recycling and 4) social status. Based on the comprehensive performance of the low-carbon city indicator system, Taipei City shows the best performance, whereas Changhua County shows the worst performance.
    In the topics of “evaluating the low-carbon efficiency of the city and analyzing its influential policies”, this paper takes cities and counties of Taiwan as the empirical cases, and assesses low-carbon efficiency of the city by Bad Outputs Model. Moreover, this paper uses Tobit Model to analyze the influence of low-carbon policies on the low-carbon efficiency of the city. According to the result of Bad Outputs Model, Taipei City, Hsinchu City, Taitung County, and Hualien County are efficiency, and achieve the optimal scale level. Moreover, Kaohsiung County is the county in the most urgent need of improvement. Another result of Tobit model indicates that the industrial unit has the negative impact on the low-carbon efficiency of the city. Moreover, resource recovery, the total length of the urban bus route, the number of green buildings, and green area all have the positive impact on the low-carbon efficiency of the city.
    In the topics of “the effects of urban development and spatial structure on carbon emissions”, this paper takes cities and counties of Taiwan as the empirical cases, and uses partial least squares method (PLS) to identify the impact of urban development and spatial structure on carbon emissions. The empirical results show that the mixed land use, urban intensity and density, and urban greening all have the negative impact on carbon emissions. Moreover, industrial function and urban transportation all have a positive impact on carbon emissions.
    Finally, these results can be used as reference for future low-carbon urban planning and policy.
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