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    題名: 環保議題融入中高級華語課程設計與實踐
    Environmental Issues in CSL Curriculum Design and Implementation for Intermediate-High Level Learners
    作者: 林芝逸
    Lin, Chih Yi
    貢獻者: 張金蘭
    Chang, Ching Lan
    Lin, Chih Yi
    關鍵詞: 環境保護
    environmental protection
    teaching Chinese as a second language
    intermediate-high level Chinese course
    curriculum design
    日期: 2015
    上傳時間: 2015-07-27 11:28:21 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究期望能設計以環境保護為主題的華語課程,使中高級華語學習者在學習語言的同時,亦能了解相關環保知識,並透過共同討論現實世界所面臨的問題提升其環保意識。
    研究目的為:一、了解中高級華語學習者之學習需求。二、提供環保議題融入華語教學課程設計參考模式。三、評估具體教學成效。在課程設計前,透過文獻分析釐清本課程適合的教學方法、教學目標訂定方式以及教學材料的選取、編寫準則,主要以主題式教學法(Theme-Based Language Instruction)、溝通式教學法(Communicative Language Teaching)、美國外語教學學會(ACTFL)之5C準則(5C Standards)及貝爾格勒憲章(The Belgrade Charter)中的六項環境教育目標為本研究之教學理念,並參考英語教學之經驗,思考環境議題融入語言課程可行方式。亦透過需求分析,向中高級學習者與教師發放問卷,了解「教」與「學」兩方對於環保主題課程的態度及看法。綜合文獻與需求分析結果為本研究課程設計總體方向,依此進行課程發展設計,並實際進行兩次課程實施以評估學習成就及整體課程設計,提出改進之道及後續研究建議。
    This study examines the design of a Chinese language curriculum focused on environmental protection, and aims to enhance students’ language skills while increasing awareness about environmental issues.
    There are three purposes of this study; the first is to analyze the learning needs of intermediate-high CSL students, the second is to provide a design model for an environmentally themed CSL curriculum, and the third is to evaluate the effectiveness of its implementation. Also included is a review of previous studies that highlights appropriate methods of developing objectives, editing materials, and teaching. The instructional philosophy of this study is based on theme-based language instruction, communicative language teaching, the 5 C’s language teaching standards (ACTFL) , and the six objectives of environmental education in the Belgrade Charter. A learning needs questionnaire is also given to both teachers and students in order to survey their opinions on teaching and learning. The results of this needs analysis and extensive review of existing literature provide the main guiding principles behind the curriculum’s development. The results of two terms of implementations are presented, as well as potential further improvements.
    The main research method of this study is developmental research; surveys and interviews are used to as supplemental methods. The developmental research method provides a model for curriculum design, and calls for various phases of analysis, design (development), implementation, and evaluation. Survey research is then used to forecast learning needs before the design phase, and also to gather students’ feedback after the completion of the class. Interviews are used after each complete implementation to gather more information and impressions from students.
    After two complete implementations of the curriculum, the interview results show that students find the course practical and interesting, as they can not only enhance their language skills, but also raise their awareness of environmental issues through class discussion. In addition, they felt the class increased their understanding of Taiwan society and culture via discussion of current events. The main findings are as follows:
    1) Content relating to social issues can simultaneously improve students’ sociolinguistic competence and also meet their learning needs. The contents can be provided in authentic or inauthentic contexts, but should follow certain design principles.
    2) To fulfill the six objectives of environmental education in a CSL curriculum, the instructor needs to help students understand environmental issues first, and then guide students to use their analysis skills to evaluate current events. Afterwards, students will develop their own perspective and attitude.
    3) To develop an effective course, the input and output activities should be arranged in sequence.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101161010
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