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Title: | 探討職棒球團與球迷之關係品質以及球迷忠誠度 Investigating the fan loyalty and the relationship quality: professional baseball teams as an example |
Authors: | 陳佳宏 Chen, Chia Hung |
Contributors: | 管郁君 Huang, Eugenia Y. 陳佳宏 Chen, Chia Hung |
Keywords: | 關係利益 關係品質 忠誠度 社群網路互動性 Relationship Benefit Relationship Quality Fan Loyalty Social Media Interaction |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-27 11:23:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 棒球是台灣人最喜愛的運動賽事,每當中華隊代表台灣參加國際賽事時,總是能引起國人的關注,與朋友或家人一起到球場上吶喊幫中華隊加油。但是中華職棒聯盟從成立以來的二十幾年,球迷人數卻無法穩定成長,即使台灣人喜愛棒球,一次又一次的簽賭及假球事件重挫聯盟及球團,也澆熄國內球迷對中華職棒的信心。球迷的多寡也直接影響到各球團的收益,賽事的門票、球隊的周邊商品都是球團主要的收入來源。近幾年因為中華隊在國際賽的好成績及聯盟制度的改進,使球迷又再度關注台灣的職業棒球。因此如何維持與球迷之間的關係,讓球迷不要再度流失是現在各球團很重要的課題。 本研究以中華職棒的球迷為研究對象,探討「球迷觀賽動機」、「關係利益」、「關係品質」對「球迷忠誠度」的影響,此外現在社群網路蓬勃發展,除了讓使用者之間快速的交流之外,各球團也透過社群網路上設立官方粉絲團與球迷互動,維持與球迷之間的關係。因此本研究加入「社群網路互動性」來探討社群網路對球迷忠誠度的影響。 本研究採用量化分析,透過網路發放問卷,有效樣本共348份,研究中以SPSS與AMOS軟體進行結構模式分析。分析結果後發現球迷觀賽動機對球迷忠誠度有正向影響,且關係利益及社群網路互動性皆對關係品質有正向影響,而關係品質對球迷忠誠度有正向影響。本研究之結果期望能提供學術界與運動產業在關係利益、關係品質、社群網路互動性及忠誠度相關研究。 Baseball game is an important sport in Taiwan. As professional baseball teams have established one by one, the number of fans, who prefer to buy tickets to watch baseball games, has a direct impact on their profit. It has been a critical issue for professional baseball teams to enhance fan loyalty. Professional baseball teams try their best to manage relationships with fans as longer as possible. Thus, this study investigated the relationships among relationship benefit, relationship quality, and fan loyalty. The subjects were fans of professional baseball teams. Due to the rapid growth of social media, professional baseball teams tend to interact with their fans by setting virtual community on social media sites, if better fan relationship management is desired. Thus, this study adopted social media interaction as another critical factor of relationship quality. The results, based on data collected from 348 baseball fans, indicated that relationship benefit and social media interaction have positive effect on relationship quality. And fan motivation and relationship quality have positive effect on fan loyalty. |
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