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Title: | 我國第三方支付專法分析與國際立法例之比較 A Legal Analysis On Third-Party Payment In Taiwan And A Comparative Study On The International Legal System Of Third-Party Payment |
Authors: | 唐君豪 Tang, Chun Hao |
Contributors: | 蔡孟佳 Tsai, Meng Chia 唐君豪 Tang, Chun Hao |
Keywords: | 第三方支付 電子支付機構管理條例 電子商務 Third-Party Payment E-commerce Money transfer |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-27 11:18:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 新型態的網路交易模式已漸漸地改變平民大眾的消費習慣,而隨之起步的支付模式更是日新月異。發展至今,有別於傳統的現金交易,或者是金融專戶轉帳等支付服務,因應電子商務交易習慣的第三方支付逐漸受到消費者的喜愛。 所謂的第三方支付服務,主要透過第三方支付業者的資金能力提供給使用者相當程度的交易擔保,並且與銀行進行合作進而承作類似儲蓄的預付儲值業務,讓使用者得以安心地進行網路交易,有效地推動電子商務的蓬勃發展。 然而,綜觀第三方支付服務在台灣的發展,可以發現相關的法律規範卻直到今年(2015年)才完成建置,在此之前,許多業務的經營多遇到法規適用的問題,導致第三方支付業者多在法規模糊地帶遊走,十分地不明確。時至今年,針對第三方支付服務所設立的專法-電子支付機構管理條例與相關的子法正式施行,相關的業者得以明確地受到法規管束,而對於使用者而言,亦可以受到明文的法律保障。本文除了探究第三方支付服務之法規發展,同時欲以國際上重要的第三方支付立法例進行國際法的比較,參酌中國美國歐盟之相關立法,分析我國相關法規與國際立法潮流之異同,並對於現今專法提出評析。 The advanced development of E-Commerce have gradually changed the habit of people and it leads to the innovative payment system as well. Instead of traditional payment service, the third-party payment service becomes more and more popular. The operators of third-party payment guaranteed users a safe payment system with its own financial fund and run the money storage business though contracting with banks. The development of third-party payment and E-commerce is mutually progressing. However, there are still many issues about applying laws for the operators and users before establishment of third-party payment law and it also makes the third party payment operator in the grey area. Up to this year(2015), the exclusive law for third-party payment finally finished and it provides the operators and users a full set of regulations to follow. In addition to analysis the development of third-party payment, the thesis will go a step further to discuss about the comparative study on the legal system of third party payment service in China, USA, and EU. On the whole, the author makes a comprehensive discussion on third-party payment legal development in Taiwan with relevant law trends in focus countries, and puts forward the suggestions for the legal system in Taiwan in the end. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易研究所 102351040 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1023510402 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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