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Title: | 一般台灣廠商雲端進入策略行銷分析:以Salesforce.com、Google Apps、震旦辦公雲為例 Marketing Strategy Analysis in Cloud Computing:The Cases of Salesforce.com, Google Apps, and AURORA Cloud |
Authors: | 洪巧柔 Hung, Chiao Jou |
Contributors: | 邱志聖 Chiou, Jyh Shen 洪巧柔 Hung, Chiao Jou |
Keywords: | 雲端運算 IaaS PaaS SaaS 交易成本 Cloud Computing IaaS PaaS SaaS Transaction Cost |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-27 11:18:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「雲端運算」概念在台灣逐漸為人所知,越來越多台灣硬體廠商投入在雲端市場上,但事實上,除了電信業者和硬體製造商,很多非此類型的一般企業也在觀望雲端是否能夠成為台灣企業的另一個商機,不僅僅只有電信業者及硬體製造商能夠趁勢而為,台灣一般企業也能選擇想進入的雲端市場,從中尋找利基點,擔任雲端供應商的角色,提供高附加價值的雲端服務。
本研究將針對想進入雲端市場之台灣非電信及非硬體製造商的一般企業給出建議,並以探討國內外雲端成功案例所做的行銷佈局,端視其如何解決買者交易成本,成功說服客戶將服務上到雲端,以此提供台灣企業進入行銷策略分析。 The concept of cloud computing becomes more famous in Taiwan. More and more Taiwanese hardware manufacturers invest in cloud computing industry. In fact, it’s not only telecommunication companies and computer hardware manufacturers, but also many enterprises from other categories observing whether cloud computing is another opportunity for them. Those companies, which don’t belong to telecommunication or computer hardware manufacturer industry, can also provide with high value-added cloud as a service.
This study elaborates the marketing strategies in cloud computing service market of successful cloud suppliers in Taiwan and global market, including Google Apps, Salesforce.com, and Aurora Cloud. We analyze how these cases deal with the transactional costs buyers faced with. Finally, this study will give recommendations to Taiwanese companies which want to enter the cloud computing market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易研究所 102351036 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102351036 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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