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    题名: 武器出口與外交政策: 以德國為例
    Government Arms Exports Behavior as a Predictor of Importance of Foreign Policy Goals: The Case of Germany`s Arms Exports to the Middle East
    作者: 周愛
    Horschitz, Joachim
    贡献者: 柯惠敏
    Ko, Ariel
    Joachim Horschitz
    关键词: 武器
    middle east
    foreign policy
    日期: 2015
    上传时间: 2015-07-13 11:21:01 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 武器出口與外交政策: 以德國為例
    Informed by realist and liberalist theory, conditions for a logical relationship between arms exports and the relative importance of foreign policy goals are evaluated as part of a case study of Germany’s arms export behavior to three Middle Eastern states. Apparent contradictions between foreign policy goals are resolved, using only data of arms export behavior and constructing a gradient of importance of different policy goals, some consistent with realist predictions, some consistent with liberal predictions. Overall, no theoretical framework describes German government behavior to a degree of being able to make reliable predictions for future action. Therefore usage of empirical data including actions with significant political ramifications, such as arms export behavior, is highly suggested for future research on German foreign policy instead.
    參考文獻: Agius, Christine. 2013. “Social Constructivism” in Contemporary Security Studies (Third Edition), edited by Alan Collins, 87-103. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Government Documents

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    Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz (War Weapons Control Act), available at http://www.bafa.de/bafa/en/export_control/legislation/export_control_cwc_p_war_weapons_control_act.pdf
    Kriegswaffenliste (War Weapons List), available at http://www.bafa.de/bafa/en/export_control/legislation/export_control_cwc_p_war_weapons_list.pdf
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    United Nations Security Council Resolution 1747, 24 March 2007, available at https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/unsc_res1747-2007.pdf

    Newspaper Articles
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    Online Documents (all available as of 7 May 2015)
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    Data sources
    Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). 2014. Rüstungsexportbericht 2013. (Arms Export Report 2013). Berlin: BMWi.
    All Reports from 2002 to 2013 are available online:

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    國際研究英語碩士學位學程 (IMPIS)
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