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    Title: 新戰爭趨勢下的空海軍事作戰硏究: 以美中軍事競爭爲例
    A Study on “Air-Sea Battle” Concept by Changes of War Pattern in Military Competition between U.S. and China
    Authors: 李鎮乾
    Lee, Jingun
    Contributors: 盧業中
    Lu, Yeh Chung
    Lee, Jingun
    Keywords: 混合戰爭
    Hybrid War
    Air-Sea Battle
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-07-13 11:20:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 新戰爭趨勢下的空海軍事作戰硏究: 以美中軍事競爭爲例
    By announcing ‘pivot to Asia’ policy in 2011, the 2nd Obama Administration is moving U.S. strategic center of gravity to East Asia-western Pacific area. Inter alia, U.S. is intensively deploying its conventional military forces on this area in order to check China emerging regional military power by its sustained economic growth, and ‘Air-Sea Battle’ concept is mentioned as a background of the military disposition. This battle concept is now interpreted as a thing to counter-act Chinese expansionists’ maritime strategy has been constructed since 1980’s for regional extension of influence in military. Received much attention from military academia, the Air-Sea Battle concept is recognized as a regular operation doctrine derived from superiority in military technology has dominated war fighting styles of the U.S. military forces for a long time as well as the military has put stress on it by itself and conservative military professionalism.
    However, war was just a repeated event tackling enemy’s weak points through unthinkable war patterns in terms of its mean and way, and especially the war patterns served a golden opportunity for the weak encountering the strong enemy. Meanwhile, the military cannot adapt to changes seasonably signed its own death warrant and recent asymmetric warfare between regular forces and irregular ones in Middle East shows that point suitably. In the respect, this thesis will identify critical but neglected threats on the Air-Sea Battle and will search for its limitations while expecting China’s spectrum of war at the comprehensive and multi-modal level.
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